修翻译呼吸肺炎支扩6 课件.ppt

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修翻译呼吸肺炎支扩6 课件

呼吸系统影像诊断学 Imaging diagnostics of the respiratory system 郑州大学第一附属医院 the first affiliated hospital radiology department of Zhengzhou University 张焱 Zhang Yan ; 呼吸系统疾病 diseases of respiratory system ; 第一节 肺部疾病 pulmonary disease;(一)支气管扩张症 Bronchiectasis 1.病因及病理 pathogeny and pathology : ①支气管、肺慢性炎症使管壁破坏 ②管外牵拉 chronic inflammation of bronchi and pulmonary destroy the wall ③内压增高而形成支气管扩张 extratubal dragging cause increasment of intrapressure and formation of bronchiectasia subsequently ;2.临床 clinical characters : 咳嗽 cough 咳脓痰或血丝 purulence sputum or blood streak 反复发烧 recurrent ferver 杵状指(趾)等 achropachy ;3.X线表现: (1)轻者无异常 the slighter is normal (2)重者 the severity : ①病灶好发于左肺下叶 predilection is inferior lobe of left lung ②病变区肺纹理增多,粗糙,紊乱呈网状incresement of lung marking in diseased region 可见双轨征、杵状征和含气液的囊状影double track sign and drumstick and cystic image contain air and liquid ③继发感染则出现斑片模糊影 patchy fuzzy image follow Secondary infection ;④常伴发肺不张 pulmonary atelectasis associated ⑤晚期可并发肺心病 pneumocardial disease coincidence at advanced stage ;⑥造影和SCT是确诊方法 contrast examination opacification and SCT are final diagnosis way 可见扩张支气管边缘不规则 呈柱状、囊状或混合型扩张表现 margin of ectasia bronchi is irregular and columar,cystic or mixed pattern ectasy ; 支气管扩张症(囊状型) 平 片 造影片; 支气管扩张症(柱状型、右位心) 平 片 造 影 片;(二)肺炎 Pneumonia;按解剖分布 anatomy : 1.大叶性肺炎 lobar pneumonia 2.支气管肺炎 bronchial pneumonia 3.间质性肺炎 interstitial pneumonia;1.大叶性肺炎 Lobar pneumonia; Lung infection caused by gram positive organism Staphylococcus, usually S. aureous General features Best diagnostic clue Rapid onset patchy or lobar consolidation, marked by widespread, rapid, severe lung destruction with abscess formation Abscess can occur with a variety of different


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