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英美文化纵览 * * 英美文化纵览 English-Speaking Countries: A Survey 主 讲 陈金中 外国语学院英语系 Chen Jinzhong Department of Foreign Languages Shaoxing University 2008学年第1学期 Tel:短号:664489) Email:joh Part One The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland British National Anthem ---‘God Save the Queen’ God save our gracious Queen? Long live our noble Queen? God save the Queen? Send her victorious? Happy and glorious? Long to reign over us? God save the Queen.? Thy choicest gifts in store? On her be pleased to pour? Long may she reign? May she defend our laws? And give us ever cause? To sing with heart and voice? God save the Queen 英国国歌笼罩着神奇的色彩。它决不是由某个人作词或作曲,而是在民间逐渐形成的。16世纪时人们首次提到英国国歌,但其歌词(开始是用拉丁文写的)频频变动和增减。 英国人在表达对祖国的忠诚时所唱的并不是振奋人心的进行曲,也不是战歌,而是一首普通的祷辞,祝愿国王或女王健康、长寿和富足。难怪英国国歌中最基本的歌词来源于圣经,“上帝佑我国王”在圣经中共出现过3次。 英国社会与文化 Course Description Course Requirement Attendance Preview Participation Evaluation: The lesson will be evaluated by I. Final exam score: 70% II. Others: 30% Your attendance Your class participation Your scores on future tests or homework Your presentation British Society and Culture Contents Land And People History Origins of the Nation 3000BC-1066 Shaping of the Nation 1066-1381 Transition to Modern Era 1455-1688 Rise Fall Of British Empire 1688-1990 British Economy British Government Justice Law Social Affairs Cultural Affairs When people say England, they sometimes mean Great Britain, sometimes the United Kingdom, sometimes the British Isles - but never England. How to be an Alien by George 1.?What are the names people often refer to 英国? (1) Britain (2) Great Britain (3) England (4) The British Isles (5) The United Kingdom or the U.K. Are they the


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