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Feminist Criticism教材课程.ppt
Feminist Criticism; Sorties Hélène Cixous;Outline;Ⅰ.The History of Feminist Criticism;1.1. First Stage: 1900s---1920s Rejection of patriarchal gender bias (Who are they?) ;Feminists insist that women are autonomous beings, they should reject the false societal construct that men are the subject while women are the Other, therefore, women must define themselves outside the present social construct and reject being labeled as the Other.
The major aim of this period--a woman must break the bonds of her patriarchal society, define herself if she wishes to become a significant human being in society and defy male’s definition.
;1.2. Second Stage:1960s---1970s Studying of the female literary history;1.3. Third Stage:1980s---1990s Construction of feminist critic theory (Where are they going?) ;Ⅱ.Schools and Proponents;2.1. British Feminism;2.1. British Feminism;2.1. British Feminism;Traditional gender roles—
They cast men as rational, strong and decisive; cast women as emotional, weak and submissive.
The main female characters are stereotyped as either “good girls” (gentle, submissive, virginal, angelic) or “bad girls” (violent, aggressive, worldly, monstrous). They imply that if a woman does not accept her patriarchal gender role, then the only role left her is that of a monster.
(misogyny文学实践的厌女症) (e.g. Snow White—the wicked queen, Sleeping Beauty—the wicked fairy, Cinderella—the wicked stepmother and stepsisters )
;2.2. French Feminism;浅论拉康视野下的法国女性主义文学批评理论;1.Lacan’s Theory 1.1拉康的主体理论1.1.1一个崭新的方法论和两个层次拉康之所以成为被公认为弗洛伊德之后最为重要的精神分析学家,根本原因就在于他把现代语言学引进了精神分析,为精神分析提供了一个崭新的方法论,因此要理解拉康式主体的含义必须在这个总的方法论下去理解。同时,拉康的主体理论是建构在发生学(指人文科学研究的一种新方法与新视角,强调研究人类知识结构的生成和起源)和结构学两个同时展开的层次上的。;从发生学的角度讲,它包括镜像阶段论和俄狄浦斯情结论;从结构学角度讲,拉康又把人的主体性分为三个层次:想象界,象征界和实在界。在不同的层次,主体亦处于不同的发展阶段。发生学和结构学两个层次的分析恰???两条平行而又互相交叉的河流,既区别又相互补充。下面对拉康式主体的详细阐述正是基于以上这个崭新的方法论与两个层次。;1.1.2 拉康式主体的构建过程 从发生学层次看,主体构建经历了镜像阶段和俄狄浦斯情结阶段。我们先看镜像阶段主体的构建。婴儿出生后的六个月内,生活不能自理,无法协调控