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EIGRP 深圳职业技术学院计算机系网络专业 教学目标( Objectives ) 1. EIGRP关键特征 (Key Characteristics of EIGRP ) 2. EIGRP三张表 (EIGRP Maintains Three Tables) 3.后继和可行后继 ( Successor and Feasible Successor ) 4.可行距离和通告距离( FD and RD ) 5. EIGRP 数据结构(EIGRP Data Structure) 6.配置EIGRP(Configuring EIGRP) 7.验证EIGRP(Verifying EIGRP) EIGRP关键特征(Key Characteristics of EIGRP ) (1)是高级距离向量路由协议,CISCO私有协议 It is an enhanced distance vector routing protocol. (2)用带宽、延迟、负载、可靠性作为度量值 Metric: bandwidth,delay,load,reliability (3)支持非等价负载均衡 Uses unequal-cost load balancing. (4)最大跳数为225 Maximum hop is 225 (5)采用DUAL算法计算到目的地的最短路径 Uses Diffused Update Algorithm (DUAL) to calculate the shortest path. (6)合并了距离向量路由协议和链路状态路由协议优点 Uses a combination of distance vector and link-state features (7)EIGRP用“EX”识别外部路由 EIGRP will tag routes by EX learned from any outside source as external . EIGRP三张表 (EIGRP Maintains Three Tables) 1.邻居表(Neighbor table ) 在EIGRP中,邻居表最为重要 The neighbor table is the most important table in EIGRP. 2.拓扑表(Topology table ) 在自治系统中,路由表由拓扑表计算 The topology table is made up of all the EIGRP routing tables in the autonomous system. 3.路由表(Routing table ) 路由表是到达目标网络的最佳路径,路由器为每种被路由的协议维护一张拓扑表和路由表。 The EIGRP routing table holds the best routes to a destination. Each EIGRP router maintains a topology table and routing table for each network protocol. 后继( Successor ) 后继路由器是到达指定目的最优的下一跳邻居路由器 A succesor is a neighbor router that is the next hop in a least-cost path to any given destination. 后继路由是主要路由。 A successor is a route selected as the primary route to use to reach a destination. 可行后继( Feasible Successor ) 可行距离和通告距离( FD and RD ) 1.可行距离是到达目标网络最小的度量值 Feasible distance (FD ) is the lowest calculated metric to each destination. 2.通告距离是邻居路由器通告它到达目标网络的距离 Reported distance (RD) is the distance reported by an adjacent neighbor to a specific destination. 3.可行性条件(feasible condition):RDFD EIGRP 算法(EIGRP Algorithm ) EIGRP 数据


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