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OO方法、RUP与UML建模 首席软件专家 张恂 主要内容 一、OOAD与UML表示法 二、RUP建模过程与步骤 三、讨论 一、OOAD与UML表示法 OO原则 Abstraction(抽象) Encapsulation(封装) Modularity(模块化) Hierarchy(分层) OO三要素 封装 继承 多态 OO基本概念 对象 类 属性 操作(方法) 接口(多态)* 构件* 接口与多态 Polymorphism: The ability to hide many different implementations behind a single interface. Interfaces formalize polymorphism, support “plug-and-play” architectures. 接口与多态 Component A non-trivial, nearly independent, and replaceable part of a system that fulfills a clear function in the context of a well-defined architecture. source code component, run time components, executable component Subsystem A combination of a package (can contain other model elements) and a class (has behavior) Realizes one or more interfaces which define its behavior. OOAD是主流技术 OOAD大部分情况下比结构化设计好: 结构化设计是过时的东西,它强调软件的结构按照功能来组织,一旦功能改变,软件的结构就会不稳定。 而OO设计把数据流和功能统一起来,IT行业绝大部分(70-80%)的软件设计(包括数据库设计)可以采用OO方法,目前国外流行的趋势也是这样,剩下的少部分有特定需求的可能还会用传统方法。 另外在电信界,用有限自动状态机的SDL方法仍占绝大数,但现在UML和SDL出现了融合的趋势。 Object Oriented Analysis 用面向对象方法分析问题域,建立基于对象、消息的业务模型,形成对客观世界和业务本身的正确认识。 生成业务对象的动、静态模型和抽象类。 Object Oriented Design 针对OOA给出的问题域模型,用面向对象方法设计出软件基础架构(概要设计)和完整的类结构(详细设计),以实现业务功能。 生成对象类的动、静态模型(解决域)。 Analysis vs. Design Analysis Focus on understanding the problem Idealized design Behavior System Structure Functional requirements A small model Design Focus on understanding the solution Operations and Attributes Performance Close to real code Object lifecycles Non-functional requirements A large model “4+1”视图 Use Case View (End-user: Functionality) Logical View (Analysts/Designers: Structure) Process View (System integrators: Performance, Scalability, Throughput) Implementation View (Programmers:Software management) Deployment View (System engineering: System Topology, Delivery, installation, communication) UML图示 Use Case Diagram Sequence Diagram Class Diagram Collaboration Digram State Diagram Activity Diagram Component Diagram Deployment Diagram Actor - 用户 “An Actor defines a coherent set of roles that


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