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Phytopathogenic Air Pollutants Ozone Sulfur dioxide Nitrogen oxides PAN (peroxyacyl nitrates)(硝酸过氧酰) Fluorides Ethylene Particulates OZONE (O3) Produced in photochemical reaction from internal combustion waste products (NOx and unburned hydrocarbons) Most serious of the phytopathogenic air pollutants Symptoms include stunting, mottling, chlorosis, stippling Ozone is produced through a photochemical reaction: NO2 + O2 NO + O3 UV light NO reacts with unburned hydrocarbons driving the reaction toward production of more ozone. Symptoms of ozone damage Stippling on tobacco Chlorosis and necrosis on white pine Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) SO2 released during burning of fossil fuels Factories, power plants- point sources Symptoms include chlorosis and tissue necrosis White Pine Peach This power plant burns 650T of coal per hr and emits 700T of SO2 per day. The stacks on this plant in W. Pa. are 800 ft. tall. Tall stacks reduce the concentration of pollutants at ground level The stacks on a nearby power plant were raised three years before this photo was taken. The tree shows increased growth over the last three years. “The solution to pollution is dilution.” Fluorides (F-) Produced in many kinds of industrial processes Fluorides accumulate in plant tissues Symptoms are necrosis of leaf margins and tips Marginal necrosis on Grape Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides contribute to the development of acid rain.Acid precipitation contains dilute sulfuric acid and nitric acid. The pH is less than 5.7. Impact on plants is unclear. 二、非侵染性病害的症状特点 一般为突发性, 大面积或有规律的分布, 病株只有病状,无病征。 三、非侵染性病害的诊断与防治 明确病因后,这类病害的防治相对容易, 其方法是:对症下“药”。 诊断程序 田间观察:看症状、田间分布情况 对比调查:多田块取样调查、比较 病理分析:植物和土壤理化分析。 诱发试验 治疗诊断 四、非侵染性病害与侵染性病害的关系 非侵染性病害 传染性病害 可以相互诱发 事例1:先旱后涝导致裂果后常发生霉烂病、霉心病;冻害导致苹果腐烂病大发生 事例2:根癌病、根结线虫病导致植物水分、营养缺乏而死亡。 参考文献:戚佩坤.关于由非侵染性病害演变为侵染 性病害的病原.植物病理学报.1995, 25(3):197-198. ? 侵染性病害 非侵染性病害 田间分布 点片发生或具有发病中心,有扩展蔓延的趋势或与传播介体的分布一致 较均匀一致,或明显与栽培地域有关 症状 各种类型,有些病征明显 症状多为变色或水浸状畸形、矮化,无