托福 TOEFL IBT GRE GMAT 复杂句子表达技巧.doc

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托福 TOEFL IBT GRE GMAT 复杂句子表达技巧

句 子 表 达 以下是总结出来的在写英文作文时写好句子的重要原则。熟练掌握这些原则并能应用自如,你的英文写作水平将会有一个很大的提高! 1. 写文章时不是一句中文对应一句英文,而可能是几句中文对应一句英文。 例1. It shows why the study of conflict is so important to all of us, probes how each of us has a personal history that affects our conflict choices, brings negative and positive views of conflict into focus, and shows how our metaphors for conflict impact us. 例2. Argumentation is the communicative process of advancing, supporting, criticizing, and modifying claims so that appropriate decision makers, defined by relevant spheres, may grant or deny adherence. 2. 句子结构特点:中文重点后置,英文重点前置。 例1. A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right later to take sides. 3. 主语之后,不要每句都是马上接谓语,应适当加入修饰语。 例1. Your personal history, such as your family of origin and other influences, makes a difference in how you respond to conflict. 例2. Perceptions about conflict, whether it is an activity to be avoided or sought out and whether it is a negative or positive activity, develop over one’s lifetime. 例3. The objective of argumentation, as Claim Perelman and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca have noted, is to gain adherence, which is the informed support of others. 例4. The term issue, as frequently used in our society, can be confused with the term claim. 例5 The Management Focus on Borden provides an example of an organization that, by failing to take advantage of its distinctive competencies, has experienced poor operating results. 例6 This book’s dual perspective, its shifting between the role of persuader and persuadee, is also designed to place ethical questions in persuasion front and center. 4、中文的动词点可能对应英文的介词。 例1 An ensemble that performs I in a concert in which the other performs O is excused from one rehearsal during the week after the concert. 5、灵活地写后置定语(介词短语、分词短语)。 例1. An argument, in our usage, is a single unit of argumentation comprising a claim and its support. 例2. The idea of argumentation functioning i


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