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新课改下小学语文课堂教学存在的问题及其解决策略 所学专业 小学教育 入学年度 学习地点(函授站) 学生姓名 指导教师 完成日期 毕业论文(设计)任务书 论文题目 新课改下小学语文课堂教学存在的问题及其解决策略 学生姓名 院(系) 小学教育 入学年度 2010年 指导教师 论文(设计)的主要内容: 在新一轮课程改革过程中教师发挥着重要的作用。新的教育思想的贯彻、新的教学内容和教育方法的变化对小学语文课堂教学提出更高的要求。传统的小学语文课堂教学中,存在滥、俗、盲、少、虚、偏六个方面的问题。而针对这些方面,进行了一下原因的分析,其主要是从教师过多的追求直观性,过多的注重鼓励,缺乏理性、科学性的分析等方面来论述的。新课改的实施,要求小学语文课堂教学中教师必须制定准确的课堂要求;必须在课堂上科学的选择教学方法;必须对多媒体合理的使用;适当的调动互动行为;教学的内容一定要有问题性。在这样的要求下,小学语文教师必须在课堂教学过程中进行改进,如:教师要善于创设教学情境,激发学生的学习兴趣;要努力提升思想观念;不断的充实自己,提高专业素养;把精力放在学生的“创新精神”及“创造力”上。在这样的改进下,相信小学语文课堂教学成果会在不久的将来突现出来的。 毕业论文(设计)的工作进度和起止时间: 下达任务书的时间: 指导教师的评阅意见和评阅成绩: 答辩委员会意见: 答辩委员会评定成绩: 摘要:在改革中教师发挥着重要的作用。对要求。Abstract: Teacher play an important role In the process of the reforming of the new curriculum.The implementation of the new education thought and the changing of the new course content and the education method sets a higher request to the primary schools of classroom teaching languages. In the primary schools of traditional language teaching, there is excessive, vulgar, blind, small, empty and partial,six issues. Against these areas, there are carried out an analysis of why, the main teachers from the intuitive nature of the pursuit of too many, too much emphasis on encouraging, the lack of a rational, scientific analysis to describe .In the implementation of the new curriculum, the requirements of language teaching of primary schools teachers in the classroom need to develop accurate requirements;Teachers must be the science choice of teaching methods in the classroom; the need for rational use of multimedia; the mobilization of appropriate interaction; teaching content must be the problem character.In such a request, the primary language teachers must be improved the teaching process in the classroom, such as: teaching teachers to be good at creating situations, motivate student


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