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* Over the six year period of the review 20 countries participated in country reviews and 24 countries in the workshops organised on ECEC policy issues. These countries provide a diverse range of social, economic and political contexts as well as varied approaches towards the education and care of young children. * The OECD review concluded with 10 recommendations for ECEC policy 1. To attend to the social context of ECEC programming – ECE programs not only address the care nurturing and education of young children but also contribute to the resolution of complex social issues 2. To place well-being, early development and learning at the core of ECEC work, while respecting the child’s agency and natural learning strategies – children’s learning is a core goal of early childhood services but within a context that ensures the child’s social emotional development and well being 3. To create the governance structures necessary for system accountability and quality assurance – the experience of the OECD review suggests that active governance of the ECEC system leads consistently to improvements in access and quality 4. To develop with the stakeholders broad guidelines and curricular orientations for all ECEC services – in the last decade many countries have published national curricula for ECEC services, such curricula help to promote a more even level of quality across age groups and provision 5. To base public funding estimates for ECEC on achieving quality pedagogical goals – starting strong noted that while ECEC may be funded by a combination of sources, substantial government investment is necessary to support a sustainable system of high quality affordable services. 6. To reduce child poverty and exclusion through upstream fiscal, social and labour policies, and increase resources within universal programmes for children with diverse learning rights – a central aim in all countries is to improve the development and learning of young children and not least, o



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