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第五节 保险标的的损失 及委付 保险人根据保险合同承保的损失按照损失程度不同可分为全部损失和部分损失。 (一)全部损失 1、实际全损 海商法第245条,保险标的发生保险事故后灭失,或者受到严重损坏完全失去原有形体、效用,或者不能再归保险人所拥有的,为实际全损。 海商法第248条,船舶在合理时间内未从被获知最后消息的地点抵达目的地,除合同另有约定外,满两个月后仍没有获知其消息的,为船舶失踪。船舶失踪视为实际全损。 偷窃、提货不着险 本保险对被保险货物遭受下列损失,按保险价值负责赔偿: 1. 偷窃行为所致的损失; 2. 整件提货不着; 3. 根据运输契约规定船东和其他责任方免除赔偿的部分; 被保险人必须及时提货,遇有第1项所列的损失,必须在提货后十日内申请检验;遇有第2项损失,必须向责任方取得整件提货不着的证明,否则,本公司不负赔偿责任。 本公司有权收回被保险人向船东或其他有关责任方面追偿到的任何赔款,但其金额以不超过本公司支付的赔款为限。 MIA s.57 actual total loss 57- (1) Where the subject-matter insured is destroyed, or so damaged as to cease to be a thing of the kind insured, or where the assured is irretrievably deprived thereof, there is an actual total loss. (2) In the case of an actual total loss no notice of abandonment need be given. 实际全损是保险事故造成且须满足下列三个标准之一: (1)灭失;destroyed (2)受到严重损坏完全失去原有形体、效用; so damaged as to cease to be a thing of the kind insured (3)不能再归被保险人所拥有。 irretrievably deprived thereof 对(3)应作严格解释。Actual total loss by irretrievable deprivation is strictly interpreted and is not to be equated with very pessimistic prospects of recovery resulting from the seizure and confiscation of a vessel for smuggling.(The anita[1970] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 365, 引自H. Bennett The law of marine insurance p364) 是否构成“完全失去原有形体、效用”要看受损保险标的是否仍然具有原有性质。例如,船舶保险中受损船舶是否仍可作为船舶看待。如果船舶变成一堆船板或成为残骸,则构成实际全损。 在Asfar Co. v. Blundell这一权威案例中,一批椰枣运往伦敦,船舶在泰晤士河沉没,后来被打捞靠岸。椰枣浸满污水并已发酵。尽管被认为不适于人类食用,但货物仍作为提取酒精原料而获得较高残值。上诉院判货物实际全损,理由: The test to be applied is whether, as a matter of business, the nature of thing has been altered. The nature of a thing is not necessarily altered because the thing itself has been damaged; wheat or rice may be damaged, but may still remain the things dealt with as wheat or rice in business. But if the nature of the thing is altered, and it becomes for business purposes something else, so that it is not dealt with by business people as the thing which it originally was, the question for determination is whether the thing insured, the original article of comm


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