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基于Web的应用系统开发 基于Web的应用系统开发 1.简介 孙文俊、王延青 wjsun@ 哈工大管理学院 2009年2月23日星期一 教材和课件 课件下载: /wps/ 教材: 《Web程序设计》(2005年第3版), (美)Robert W. Sebesta著, 李政仪译, 清华大学出版社 课程目标 对Internet 和 WWW 的基本了解 获得Web技术的知识与实践经验 对相关名词术语的介绍 熟练掌握如何构建和设计良好且有一定功能的Web应用 课程内容 基础 网络基础: LANs 和 长程通讯 TCP/IP 协议 客户/服务器 范式, HTTP, URLs, MIME 网络编程 XHTML CSS JavaScript Java Applets Java XML 网络应用设计 成绩构成 作业 - 25% 考试 - 75% 2小时笔试 上机 第11周开始 头几次练习内容 HTML and CSS JavaScript Java Applets Java 视频 互联网的历史(History Of the Internet,8分钟) Warriors of the Net 从微观层面对Internet和WWW的三维动画介绍(12分钟) The Internet Origins 起源 ARPA Networking Project (ARPANET) - late 1960s and early 1970s Wide area network to share computing facilities工具 “Internetworking” Network reliability For ARPA-funded research organizations National Science Foundation internet (NSFnet) - 1986 Initially最初 connected five supercomputer centers By early 1990s it was the network for all Became the Internet backbone In 1990’s ban on commercial use of the Internet was lifted leading to an explosive growth of “e-commerce” The Internet and the WWW The WWW is one service running over the Internet - it is not synonymous!同义的 www是internet上的一种服务 Before the WWW The Internet was used by scientists, researchers, large (usually governmental) organizations, and amateur enthusiasts Commerce on the Internet was almost unknown The WWW is now the major conduit to the Internet and the major vehicle for e-commerce, but this is not what it was designed for! The WWW Allows a user anywhere on the Internet to search for and retrieve documents 1989 WWW proposal by group led by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN Late 1990 prototype implemented on NeXT 1991 WWW released to the rest of the world Documents in the form of hypertext Hypertext(超文本) “Non-linear reading and writing” ——Ted Nelson A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page of text A page


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