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米芾,春山瑞松图 虚灵飘荡之气 书法与儒家哲学 毛笔的特性:柔软——书法家在书写中能创造出无穷的变化。但又有刚健的力量,即其弹性。 该特性契合了儒家文化。“儒”字从文字学的观点来看,是“柔”也,是人之所需。(从需字旁的字,都有“柔软”之意。孺子,若米,懦弱,蠕动。。。。)孔子:仁爱 孟子补充“义”的力量,学术性,人性应该遵循的道理。 “发乎情,止乎礼”(笔尖的触动即情,笔法的规范制约即礼。) 颜真卿,颜氏家庙碑 浑穆博大,雍容开阔的楷书,是法度的典范,也是感情的充实。 儒家的励精图治,今宵金钟,恪尽职守的崇高的责任感。艺术以典正为要,及思想性第一,艺术性第二。内容,经世致用,官场文书 书法与儒家哲学 心正则笔正,人品即书品 儒家文化:伦理文化。 书法的美归结为书法家人格的美。 柳公权:“心正则笔正。” 正面例子:颜真卿,柳公权 反对者认为:秦桧,王铎,人品颓丧,但书艺高超。 道家:艺术史自我性灵抒发的手段,是在现实世界实现精神逍遥的途径。 书法·文化·翻译 吴卉 2010. 11. 21 History of Calligraphy Pre-Qin Calligraphy: Obscure, Mysterious and Unique Shang dynasty oracle-bone inscriptions (Anyang, Henan. Hidden Turtle in the Iron Cloud) Pictograph Pre-Qin Calligraphy: Obscure, Mysterious and Unique Bronze inscriptions phonograms Pre-Qin Calligraphy: Obscure, Mysterious and Unique Spring and Autumn period: Stone drum inscription Kang Youwei: “the origin of calligraphic rules” 书法第一法则 Set up the criterion for large script which is the precursor of small seal script Calligraphy of the Qin and Han Dynasties: Standard and Elegant Li Si: abolished different forms and made small seal script official script for the whole nation. Round stroke; same thickness; tenacity Calligraphy of the Qin and Han Dynasties: Standard and Elegant Calligraphy on bamboo or wood slips and silk: also known as ancient clerical script, which is a transitional form between ancient script and modern script. Calligraphy in the Wei, Jin and Southern Northern Dynasties Wei kingdom period: Zhong Yao, originator of regular script 楷书之祖 Eastern Jin, Newness and grace (新妍)replaced simplicity and clumsiness. Wang Xizhi: regular script and running script (Preface to the Literary Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion) Wang Xianzhi: cursive script Calligraphy in the Wei, Jin and Southern Northern Dynasties Stele inscription of the Northern Dynasties and rubbing calligraphy of the Southern Dynasties (北碑南帖) Wei stele inscription Calligraphy of the Sui and Tang Dynasties: fresh , profound


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