艾滋病英文 课件.ppt

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艾滋病英文 课件

Let Them Happy And Live With Dignity;What is AIDS?;Route of infection;Daily life contact is not infected with the virus that causes AIDS;;Over a long period of time, AIDS are rendering become a terrorist color with the disease, those unfortunate people infected with the virus that causes AIDS, and therefore living in difficult situation, be lingering shadow hanging, as we used to, for the group with misunderstanding, cool detachment and even discrimination, we clearly have forgotten as a disease, they are the need to love a vulnerable groups, for the life they have a strong desire for more competent than the average;The worlds number exceeded 3900 million people living with HIV;2018/4/23;In India has replaced South Africa, a country with the largest number of HIV infections;;2018/4/23;World Health Organization (WHO) recognized December 1st as the World AIDS Days. 世界卫生组织将12月1日定为世界艾滋病日 ;I have a dream One day I can say to everyone Yes I have AIDS;Here it is the hunan instrument factory, there are two a red building, now changed to care center, is 39 AIDS patients home. 这里原来是湖南仪表总厂,有两栋红色砖头建的楼房,现在改成了关爱中心,是39位艾滋病患者的家。 ;On December 8, tian tian her doll on the swing, oneself in the back looking at. Here, facilities are very simple, just learn some simple course, children have to very few toys, most of the time, they are in the care center yard looking for wild flowers. In fact, they want a hug, be loved. 12月8日,恬恬把她的芭比娃娃放在秋千上,自己蹲在后面注视着。这里的设施都很简单,除了学习一些简单的课程,孩子们能玩的东西其实很少,更多的时候,他们是在关爱中心的院子里找野花,玩呼啦圈。其实,他们的内心渴望拥抱,渴望爱。 ;Lao hong with the kids to play, here is not only for AIDS service, patients can also study the labor skills, leave after center can live on his own. 老洪在逗孩子玩,这里不仅是为艾滋病人服务,病人还可以学习劳动技能,离开中心后可自谋生路。;Miss Pan for care center purchasing articles for daily use, very heavy bags one takes. 大潘老师为关爱中心采购生活用品,几十斤的包一个人抗。 ;“Who did the best this week? We will send him a prize. Sister Pan to the children themselves selection this week performance sta


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