解剖学胸壁肺及胸膜膈解剖 课件.ppt

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解剖学胸壁肺及胸膜膈解剖 课件

Unit 19;一.Thoracic wall 胸壁;1)Muscles肌肉;Intercostales intimi肋间最内肌;2)Vessels and nerves血管和神经;;Intercostal space 肋间隙;肋间后动脉、肋间后静脉和肋间神经三者的位置关系: 在肋间隙后部:位于肋间隙中间,三者的上、下的排列次序不定。 在肋沟内,自上而下依次为:肋间后静脉、肋间后动脉、肋间神经。 .胸膜腔穿刺部位: 在肋间隙后部,进针部位应在下位肋的上缘。 在肋间隙前部,进针部位应在肋间隙的中间。;Internal thoracic artery 胸廓内动脉 -descends into thorax 1.2cm lateral to edge of sternum, and ends at the sixth costal cartilage by dividing musculophrenic and superior epigastric arteries;Musculophrenic A肌膈动脉;2.Pleura胸膜; ;△ potential spaces of pleural cavity which lungs are not occupied in deep respiration ;Midclavicular lines 锁骨中线;The surface projection of lower border of lung and pleurae ;3.Lung 肺 ;2)Features 形态; 纵隔面Mediastinal surface中部有长圆形凹陷叫肺门,有支气 管、肺动脉、肺静脉、支气管动脉、支气管静脉、神经和淋巴管出入。?出入肺门的结构被结缔组织包绕,构成肺根root of lung 。 肺根内结构的排列: 从前向后:上肺静脉、肺动脉、主支气管。 ;Hilum of lung肺门;Oblipue fissure斜裂; Each principal bronchus divides into lobar bronchi (two on the left, three on the right), each of which supplies a lobe of lung. Each lobar bronchus then divided into segmental bronchi, which supply specific segments of the lung. ;;1.尖段 2.后段 3.前段 4.外侧段 5.内侧段 6.尖(上)段 7.内侧底段 8.前底段 9.外侧底段 10.后底段1;外侧底段;☆ Vessels OF lung;★ Diaphragm;Aortic hiatus;Contraction: the dome moving downward, increases the volume of thoracic cavity which results in inspiration, at the same time the intra-abdominal pressure is increased assists in defecation, vomiting or child birth. Relaxation: the dome returns to the former position, reduces the volume to the thoracic cavity, resulting in expiration.


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