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应 用 生 态 学 报  2003 年 8 月  第 14 卷  第 8 期                                CHIN ESE J OU RNAL OF A PPL IED ECOL O GY ,Aug. 2003 ,14 (8) ∶1229~1233 透光分层疏透度测定及其在次生林结构 研究中的应用 朱教君 ( 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 , 沈阳 1100 16) 【摘要】 次生林是中国森林的主体 , 对其进行合理的经营无疑对中国天然林资源保护及国家生态安全建 ( ) 设具有重大意义. 次生林的结构 尤其是垂直结构 是该林种合理经营的重要因素. 本文在以往研究的基 础上 , 引入了分层疏透度的概念 , 并以透光分层疏透度表征林分的垂直结构 ; 详细介绍了应用全天照片 测定透光分层疏透度的方法与步骤 , 分析了透光分层疏透度在次生林结构研究和次生林的经营理论与技 术研究中的应用前景. 关键词  分层疏透度  透光分层疏透度  全天照片  次生林  经营 文章编号  100 1 - 9332 (2003) 08 - 1229 - 05  中图分类号  S754  文献标识码  A Method f or measurement of optical stratif ication porosity ( OSP) and its application in studies of management f or secondary f orests. ZHU J iaoj un ( I ns tit ute of A pp lied Ecology , Chinese A cademy of S ciences , S heny ang ) ( ) 1100 16 , China . Chin . J . A pp l . Ecol . ,2003 ,14 8 :1229~1233 . Secondary forest is t he main body of forest s in China , and hence , it s management plays a very important role in t he proj ect s of natural forest conservation and ecological environment construction in t his country . The structure , esp ecially t he vertical stratification structure of secondary forest is one of t he key factors in t he management of secondary forest , and can be considered as t he base of it s management . Based on previous studies , t he concept of stratification porosity was introduced , and t he optical stratification porosity (OSP) , which is t he two dimension al alternative measurement of stratification porosity , could be used to represent t he vertical stratification structure


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