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防恐培训教材 课件

;C-TPAT = Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism C-TPAT = 海关-商贸反恐贸易合作伙伴计划。 C-TPAT is a voluntarily program initiated by CBP(US Customs and Border Protection)after 9·11event. C-TPAT 是美国国土安全部海关边境保护局在9?11事件发生后所倡议成立的自愿性计划。 Via compliance with C-TPAT requirement, ensure that pertinent security measures are in place and adhered to throughout the supply chain from point of origin to point of distribution. 通过遵守C-TPAT的要求,确保供应链从起点到终点的安全流通。;Key focus of C-TPAT requirement(防恐要求之核心要点):;1. Business Partner Requirement 商业合作伙伴要求 ;2. Container and Trailer Security1(货柜拖车安全1);2. Container and Trailer Security 2(货柜拖车安全2);3. Physical Access Controls(门岗控制);3. 1 Employees (员工);3. 2 Visitors , deliveries(访客,收发);4. Personnel Security(人员安全); 5. Procedural Security(程序安全); 6. Security Training and Threat Awareness(安全培训和警觉意识); 7. Physical Security(实体安全); 7. 1 Fence (围墙); 7. 2 Gate and Gate House(大门和门岗); 7. 3 Parking(停车区域); 7. 4 Building structure, lock and keys(建筑结构,锁匙); 7. 5 Lighting(照明); 7. 6 CCTV Alarm System(摄像监控与警报系统);Password Protection Automated systems must use individually assigned accounts that require a periodic change of password. IT security policies, procedures and standards must be in place and provided to employees in the form of training.须使用个人用户名才可进入电脑系统,密码要定期更改。电脑安全政策、程序和标准须以培训的方式提供给员工。 Accountability A system must be in place to identify the abuse of IT including improper access, tampering or the altering of business data. All system violators must be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions for abuse. 系统须能识别对电脑信息的滥用,包括不适当的存取、篡改商业数据。对违反者必须实施惩罚。;Restricted area should be separated from other areas, equipped with CCTV system. 限制性区域必须与其他区域分开,并安装摄像监视系统。 Restricted areas are clearly posted with signs, and authorized personnel‘s names and photos,management procedures. 限制性区域须有明显标记,并张贴授权人名单照片,以及管理程序。 Unauthorized personnel should be under strict registration, recorded in entry/exit log. 进入限制性区域的非授权人员须被严格登记, 并保留来访出入日志。


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