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中国城镇非正规就业 (来自《中国城镇非正规就业:规模、特征和收入差距》,薛进军 高文书) 城镇非正规就业比例 中国城镇非正规就业 中国城镇非正规就业:行业分布情况 中国城镇非正规就业 中国城镇非正规就业:平均收入、(小时收入)不平等指数 利用泰尔指数分解方法,计算出非正规就业者和正规就业者之间即组间差距对中国城市就业者总体收入不平等的贡献为13.68%;非正规就业者和正规就业者内部即组内差距对总体收入不平等的贡献分别为51.09%和35.23% 中国城镇非正规就业:正规与非正规就业者收入差距的Blinder-Oaxaca分解结果 城市非正规部门 弊端: 失业 环境 社会问题 该如何对待城市非正规部门??? 10.3 Migration and Development Rural-to-urban migration was viewed positively until recently The current view is that this migration is greater than the urban areas’ abilities to Create jobs Provide social services 2014年末中国大陆总人口为136782万人,其中流动人口为2.53亿人。 Components of Migration in Selected Countries 影响乡城人口流动的因素 wage differentials, age, and education, relocation upon remarrying; prior emigration of family members; distance and costs of relocation; occurrence of famine, disease, violence, and other disasters; and relative standing in the origin community, with those lower on the social order more likely to migrate. be a form of portfolio diversification for families Toward an Economic Theory of Rural-Urban Migration A Verbal Description of the Todaro Model Migration is a rational decision The decision depends on expected rather than actual wage differentials The probability of obtaining a city job is inversely related to the urban unemployment rate High rates of migration are outcomes of rural urban imbalances A Diagrammatic Presentation The Harris-Todaro Migration Model Toward an Economic Theory of Rural-Urban Migration (cont’d) Where WA is agricultural income, LM is employment in manufacturing LUS is total urban labor pool WM is the urban minimum wage Toward an Economic Theory of Rural-Urban Migration (cont’d) Five Policy Implications Reduction of urban bias Imbalances in expected income opportunities is crucial Indiscriminate educational expansion fosters increased migration and unemployment Wage subsidies and scarcity factor pricing can be counterproductive Programs of integrated rural development should be encouraged 7-* Lecture 10 Urbanization an


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