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第二屆資源工程研討會論文集 關子嶺溫泉泉質特性與可能形成機制之初步研究 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 許勝嘉 、張竝瑜 、梁俊煌 、蔡瀛逸 、蔡利局 、陳煜斌 、林秀雄 摘要 本研究針對關子嶺溫泉泉質泉量進行十ㄧ個月之長期研究調查,結果顯示警光山莊與火王爺露頭之溫泉泉 質組成相近,兩處溫泉以碳酸氫根離子含量之差異為最大。警光山莊露頭溫泉湧出量較為穩定,且平均湧出量 多於火王爺廟處之溫泉抽取湧出量。本區平均雨量集中於六月至九月,然而警光山莊溫泉流量自六月至九月有 稍降之趨勢。顯示其補注來源可能主要為深層循環之地熱水。另外雖然火王爺處溫泉流量紀錄僅有半年,然平 均降雨高峰與溫泉流量之變化趨勢相符,顯示火王爺處溫泉可能受地區降雨補注之一部分地下水混入。初步推 斷火王爺應混入較多之淺層地下水,造成其含有較少之碳酸氫根離子,雖然兩處之溫泉露頭為同一構造裂隙之 不同位置,但就泉質分類而言,警光山莊溫泉露頭之溫泉可分類為碳酸氫鈉氯化物泉,而王爺廟處溫泉分類為 氯化鈉碳酸氫鹽泉。 關鍵詞:關子嶺、溫泉、地熱水。 ABSTRACT A long-term observation of water chemistry and flow rates has been conducted at two hot spring outcrops, the Policeman Recreation Institute (PRI) and the Huowangye Temple (HT) in Kuanzeling area in 2004. The results of flow rate observation show that the PRI hot spring has a relatively steady flow rate between 29 L/min -37 L/min. Compared with the precipitation records in the Tainan area, flow rates of the PRI hot spring show a different trend to the local precipitation. The flow rate of PRI hot spring decreases during June, July, August and September, and the average monthly precipitation was higher during these months. Flow rates of the HT hot spring show a larger variation between 20 L/min -42 L/min. The peak of high precipitation matches with the peak of a higher flow rate of HT hot spring. This suggests the geothermal fluid of HT hot spring may have mixed with shallow groundwater. Water chemistry analysis shows that the HT and PRI hot springs have a similar cation and anion compositions. The HT hot spring has a less bicarbonate concentration than the PRI hot spring. The difference of bicarbonate concentrations can be explained by mixing with shallow groundwater in the HT hot spring. Keywords: Kuanzeling, hot spring, geothermal fluid 1 嘉南藥理科技


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