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Additive Manufacturing Technology and Its Effect on Manufacturing of China 2014.05.29.,Beijing 中国航空工业集团公司 北京航空制造工程研究所 BAMTRI,AVIC. 巩水利 Prof. Dr. GONG Shuili 内 容 提 要 1 2 Development of International 5 3 4 Introduction Technical methods and means Domestic technology developments Disparity and suggestions 目 录 Additive Manufacturing (AM or 3D Printing): ——是人类通过对物质可控的动态累积以逼近目标形体的一种生产过程;是与材料去除成形、受迫成形等对应的科学技术体系;是以“堆积”为共同特征的技术群。 一、Introduction Reshaping the global manufacturing competition structure 上世纪美国《时代》周刊将3D打印列为“美国十大增长最快的工业” 英国《经济学人》杂志则认为它将“与其他数字化生产模式一起推动实现第三次工业革命” Change the?production?and life?mode in the future 社会化制造 那么每个人都可以成为一个工厂 它将改变制造商品的方式 并改变世界的经济格局 进而改变人类的生活方式 一、 The third industrial revolution ?! 一、 Strategic significance of AM for China 可成为我国制造业自主创新的有效手段; 符合绿色制造发展方向,有利于制造业的可持续发展; 可促进传统制造技术水平的提升,促进制造与服务融合发展; 有望培育新兴产业、优化产业结构、促进产业升级。 An effective way for independent innovation of manufacturing industry for China Compliance with the green manufacturing development, and conducive to the sustainable development of manufacturing industry; Promote the upgrading of traditional manufacturing technology, and the fusion development between manufacturing and service; Expected to?cultivate new industries,?optimize the?industrial structure and promote industrial upgrading Aerospace 高性能金属零件直接增材制造技术的发展,为航空航天产品从产品设计、模型和原型制造、零件生产和产品测试都带了新的思想和技术途径,有望大幅缩短航空航天产品的研发和生产周期 the development of direct manufacturing technology of performance parts, new ideas and technical approach are brought into product design, model and prototype manufacturing, parts manufacturing and product testing, which is expected to significantly shorten the research and development cycle of aerospace production. 增材制造大型复杂发动机机匣铸造熔模(直径1.2米原来需要机加工或模具压制多个局部结构,然后拼接成整体,精度难以控制,工序繁琐,周期长,增材制造方法精度高、整体成形、周期短。 激光近成形的叶片(Optomec公司),传统铸锻,均需制造复杂模具,增材制造实现自由成形 SLS Cast 一、Development history of AM technology 快速原型 /快速成形 快速工具 /模具/铸型 快速成形 直接制造 Industry chain of AM USER post-treatment and services Manufa


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