(英语考试)横店影视城Hengdian Movieland.ppt

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(英语考试)横店影视城Hengdian Movieland

阿尔茨海默症防治相关知识埃及的金字塔有建造方法动画艾司洛尔在神经外科重症中的应用二级二班防溺水等安全教育 The super-scale movie and television location city is based in Hengdian Town of Dongyang. The 200-hectare movie and television base comprises various real-size replicas for all kinds of movie shooting. Hengdian World Studio Hengdian World Studios consists of 8 theme parks - Guangzhou Street / Hong Kong Street, Emperor Qin Palace, Qing Ming Shang He Painting , Riverside Town in South China, Palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Dazhi Temple, Rocky Grottos and Dream Valley. The constructions were built and styled according to the major periods of Chinas history, from Qin Dynasty to the Republic of China. 自1996年以来,在这里诞生了《鸦片战争》、《荆轲刺秦王》、《汉武大帝》、《大旗英雄传》、《龙游天下》《仙剑奇侠传》、《英雄》、《无极》、《满城尽带黄金甲》、《黄石的孩子》、《投名状》、《功夫之王》、《木乃伊3》、《画皮》、《锦衣卫》、《唐伯虎点秋香2》、《剑雨江湖》、《仙剑奇侠传三》、《梦幻诛仙》、《神话》、《神医大道公》、《美人心计》、《古今大战秦俑情》、《神探狄仁杰》、《宫锁心玉》、《宫锁珠帘》《美人天下》《寻龙夺宝》、《锁清秋》、《芸娘》、《宁为女人》、《兰花香》、《活佛济公2》《新还珠格格》、《大宋提刑官》、《天涯赤子心》、《后宫》、《西南绝杀》、《七品芝麻官》、《武则天秘史》、《鸿门宴》、《大道通天》、《倾城雪》、《王的女人》、《迎风飞舞》、《错嫁》、《娘妻》等500多部影视剧作品。 Emperor Qin Palace The scene is composed of the Qin Royal Palace and the Huayang Platform. The magnificent palace comprises the Unification Hall (四海归一殿)which is divided into the front, center and back halls, in addition to east and west side halls, and east and west corridors. One of the studios largest buildings is the Emperor Qin Palace built in the Early Chinese Dynasty style to mimic(模仿) those in the Qin and Han period. That area is still frequently used to shoot movies based on these eras. Internationally acclaimed director Zhang Yimou used this building as the backdrop for the Emperor Qin palace for his 2002 movie Hero. A Hong Kong TVB drama serial titled A Step into the Past which tells the story of the the First Qin Emperor also used the same building as the main backdrop 秦王宫景区有雄伟壮观的王宫宝殿27座,主宫“四海归一殿” 高达44.8米,面积17169平方米。长2289米,高18米的巍巍城墙与王宫大殿交相辉映,淋漓尽致地表现出秦始皇并吞六国,一统天下的磅礴气势。还有一条长 120米,占地面积20亩,建筑面积6000平方米的“秦汉街”,充分展示了秦汉时期的街肆风貌。黄尘古道,金戈铁马,燕赵建筑,秦汉文化


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