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新媒体中语言暴力的现象与治理—以斗鱼直播为例[内容提要]近年来,语言暴力这一社会现象越来越受人们的关注和重视,所谓的语言暴力,分为传统的语言暴力和新媒体时代下的语言暴力。但两者都是使用辱骂、诋毁、蔑视、嘲笑等侮辱歧视性的词汇伤害他人,致使他人精神上遭到侵犯和损害,属于精神伤害的范畴。随着网络技术的发展,新媒体的迅速崛起,语言暴力的存在和传播范围更加的广泛了,这违背了社会公序良俗。语言暴力一直以来存在我们的生活当中,给我们的精神生活带来了巨大的伤害,尤其是对青少年的伤害很大,据调查青少年遭受语言暴力的程度越高就越容易产生行为上的冲动,越容易造成犯罪。斗鱼直播是一个分享式的全民直播平台,带给人们娱乐、展示才能、自由发表意见的同时也充斥着语言暴力,不仅对人们的精神生活带来伤害,影响人们的思维和行为。本文针对新媒体语言暴力的现象及应对措施进行分析,提出能够有效减少新媒体语言暴力的可行性方案。[关键词] 新媒体 语言暴力 斗鱼直播The Phenomenon and Control of Language Violence in New Media - Betta live as an example[Abstract] In recent years, More and more people are concerned about language violence.The language violence is divided into traditional language violence and language violence in the new media age. But both are using insults, slander, contempt, ridicule and other insulting discriminatory vocabulary to hurt others, To cause others to be mentally violated. belonging to the scope of mental injury. With the development of network technology, the rapid rise of new media, the existence of language violence and spread more widely, which is contrary to the social order and good customs. Language violence has always existed in our lives, To our spiritual life has brought great harm, especially for young people great harm, according to the survey of teenagers suffer higher degree of verbal violence more prone to impulsive behavior, the more likely to cause offense. Betta live is a sharing of the national live platform, Language violence, not only to peoples spiritual life harm, affect peoples thinking and behavior.This paper analyzes the phenomenon of violence in new media language and its countermeasures, and puts forward a feasible scheme which can effectively reduce the violence of new media language. [Key words] new media Language violence Betta live目录一、新媒体与语言暴力的联系3二、语言暴力在新媒体的表现形式4三、斗鱼直播中存在的语言暴力现象和表现5(一)传播虚假信息和谣言5(二)斗鱼直播中的弹幕语言暴力5(三)直播游戏中的语言暴力5(四)黄色语言暴力6四、斗鱼直播中语言暴力的严重程度6五、斗鱼直播语言暴力的影响7(一)危害青少年的成长7(二)扩大语言暴力8(三)影响人们的心理健康8六、总结8参考文献:9新媒体中语言暴力的现象与治理—以斗鱼直播为例新媒体与语言暴力的联系新媒体是相对于电视、报纸、广播等传



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