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梅菜笋丝罐头生产的危害分析及 HACCP 体系建立的研究 摘 要 梅菜笋丝是一种酸性软罐头食品,其加工主要包括配料、调味、装袋、真空封口,杀 菌等工序,生产过程中不添加防腐剂。为了规范梅菜笋丝罐头的生产,提高产品的安全性, 本文研究、建立了梅菜笋丝生产的 HACCP 体系。 以梅菜笋丝生产工艺流程为基础,制定了HACCP 计划和操作性前提方案;对各工序上 出现危害的风险及危害进行分析,确定了原料验收、金属探测、装袋封口和杀菌冷却等 4 个关键点,设置关键点的限值范围,并建立了梅菜笋丝罐头 HACCP 体系的规范性文件。 通过操作性前提方案的实施,企业加工环境的卫生状况得到较好的控制;通过对梅菜 笋丝生产过程实施 HACCP 管理体系,对原料验收、金属探测、装袋封口和杀菌冷却等 4 个 CCP 点进行有效地监督,及时纠正偏差,降低了危害产生的可能性,提高了产品的安全性; 定期对整个管理体系进行内部审核,使 HACCP 管理体系在企业的生产活动中能够得以实施 和有效地运行;实施 HACCP 后,所有随机抽检产品的质量指标都符合国家标准;企业通过 了 HACCP 审核,获得了 HACCP 认证证书。 关键词 HACCP,梅菜笋丝,食品安全,关键控制点,限值 I Hazard Analysis and Establishment of HACCP Management System of Canned Pickle Bamboo Shoot Slice Abstract Canned pickle bamboo shoot slice which is produced sequentially by preparing, saucing, bagging, vacuum sealing and sterilization belongs to soft canned food without preservative. For the purpose and promote the quality, the HACCP management system was developed to regulate the production of canned pickle and bamboo shoot slice. The sanitation standard operation procedure was set up according to the processing procedure; Based on operating procedures and the risk assessment, the acceptance of raw materials, detection of metals, bag sealing and sterilization were confirmed to the main four critical control point (CCP), which was investigated and setup the threshold to regulate the operation. So the regulatory file was figured out to control and manage the production. The environmental and sanitary condition improved and got controlled by fulfilling the sanitation standard operation procedure. Furthermore, the quality of pr


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