英语语音语言词典 A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology精品.pdf

英语语音语言词典 A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology精品.pdf

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英语语音语言词典 A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology精品

Cover title: Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology author: Trask, R. L. publisher: Taylor Francis Routledge isbn10 | asin: print isbn13: 9780203696026 ebook isbn13: 9780203695111 language: English subject Phonetics--Dictionaries, Grammar, Comparative and general--Dictionaries.--Phonology , Gramática comparada y general--Fonología--Diccionarios, Phonetics, Phonology. publication date: 1996 lcc: P216.T73 1996eb ddc: 414/.03 subject: Phonetics--Dictionaries, Grammar, Comparative and general--Dictionaries.--Phonology , Gramática comparada y general--Fonología--Diccionarios, Phonetics, Phonology. cover Page i A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology Written for students of linguistics, applied linguistics and speech therapy, this dictionary covers over 2,000 terms in phonetics and phonology. In addition to providing a comprehensive yet concise guide to an enormous number of individual terms, it also includes an explanation of the most important theoretical approaches to phonology. Its usefulness as a reference tool is further enhanced by the inclusion of pronunciations, notational devices and symbols, earliest sources of terms, suggestions for further reading, and advice with regard to usage. R.L.T


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