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Earthquakes 地 震 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 美国疾病预防控制中心 Earthquake Effects Structural Damage and Collapse 地震导致建筑物损毁 Loma Prieta, CA 1989 洛马普列塔 ,美国加州,1989年 Kobe, Japan 1995 神户,日本 1995年 Earthquake Effects Liquefaction 地震导致地基土液化 Source: National Geophysical Data Center Earthquake Effects Landslides 地震导致山体滑坡 Source: National Geophysical Data Center Earthquake Effects Surface Faulting 地震导致地表断裂 Secondary Disasters Caused by Earthquakes 地震引起的次生灾害 Fires explosions 火灾和爆炸 Dam failures floods 溃坝和洪水灾害 Release of toxic or radioactive materials 有毒或放射性物质的泄漏 Tsunamis (seismic sea waves) 海啸(地震海浪) Earthquake Disasters 地震灾害 During the past 20 years earthquakes have caused more than a million deaths worldwide Coburn, 1992 在过去的20年间,地震灾害造成了全球超过100万人遇难 Contributing Natural Factors 引发地震灾害的自然因素 Geophysical factors 地球物理因素 Topographic factors 地势因素 Meteorological factors 气象因素 Contributing Human-Made Factors 引发地震灾害的人为因素 Structural Factors 建筑构造因素 Building design materials 建筑设计和材料 Building codes 建筑标准 Land-use 土地利用 Technological Factors 技术因素 Pipelines electrical lines 管道和电路 Hazardous material storage facilities 有害物质储存设施 Nuclear power facility 核能设施 Artificial Causes 其它人为因素 Health Impacts 健康影响 Immediate 即时影响 Minor injuries, lacerations 较小的损伤,裂伤 Crush injuries to head chest 头胸部的挤压伤 Hemorrhage hypovolemia 出血和低血容量症 Asphyxia, drowning 窒息,溺水 Burns 灼伤 Delayed 延时影响 Dehydration 脱水 Environmental exposure 环境暴露 Crush syndrome 挤压综合征 Wound infection sepsis 伤口感染和化脓 Smoke dust inhalation 烟尘吸入 Health Impacts 健康影响 Health Impact Worsening of existing chronic diseases 健康影响-加重已存在的慢性病 Heart attacks 心脏病 Lung diseases 肺病 Diabetes 糖尿病 Hypertension 高血压 Mental illness 精神疾病 Health Impact 健康影响 Earthquakes do not create significant outbreaks of new infectious diseases 地震灾害不会造成新发传染病的大规模暴发 Prevention Control Measures 预防和控制措施 Avoid construction


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