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电大社会调查研究与方法期末复习资料小抄 一、填空题 11.社会调查研究分析和研究社会对人口的影响,主要是看社会的诸多方面对--人口的构成和人口过程确定课题测量方法统计值定性和定量非结构式访谈电话问卷非结构式无关变量图表和数字基本要素人本主义试调查有效自然状态行为方式非因果真实性普通调查报告同期群研究假设操作定义无反应性计算机会议访谈(法多组描述性分析诵读法典型可行性离散变量有效直接送发行为方式非结构实验激发真实性图表基本要素精神文化试调查 外在效度零次文献和一次文献告别非结构无关变量真实性导语一次性确定课题测量方法互联网1~2主观评价法非参与(局外实地源理论分析预测性同期群研究假设操作定义无反应性计算机会议访谈(法)多组描述性分析诵读法精神文化常规性因变量互联网问卷(法)行为方式准确性非结构式无关变量图表和数字 请您删除一下内容,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!!2015年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄After earning his spurs in the kitchens of The Westin, The Sheraton, Sens on the Bund, and a sprinkling of other top-notch venues, Simpson Lu fi nally got the chance to become his own boss in November 2010. Sort of. The Shanghai-born chef might not actually own California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) but he is in sole charge of both kitchen and frontof- house at this Sinan Mansionsstalwart.? It’s certainly a responsibility to be the head chef, and then to have to manage the rest of the restaurant as well, the 31-year-old tells Enjoy Shanghai. In hotels, for example, these jobs are strictly demarcated, so it’s a great opportunity to learn how a business operates across the board.? It was a task that management back in sunny California evidently felt he was ready for, and a vote of confi dence from a company that, to date, has opened 250 outlets in 11 countries. And for added pressure, the Shanghai branch was also CPK’s China debut.? For sure it was a big step, and unlike all their other Asia operations that are franchises, they decided to manage it directly to begin with, says Simpson.? Two years ago a private franchisee took over the lease, but the links to CPK headquarters are still strong, with a mainland-based brand ambassador’ on hand to ensure the business adheres to its ethos of creating innovative, hearth-baked pizzas, a slice of PR blurb that Simpson insists lives up to the hype.? They are very innovative, he says. The problem with most fast food places is that they use the same sauce on every pizza and just change the toppings. Every one of our 16 pizz


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