Book3 Unit2 healthy eating 导学案教师版[精品].doc

Book3 Unit2 healthy eating 导学案教师版[精品].doc

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Book3 Unit2 healthy eating 导学案教师版[精品]

Period 1: Warming up and reading 【重点词组】查阅工具书,掌握下列单词和词组的用法,在课文中划出来, 并尝试造句 strong 强大的 adj. → n. 强项__strength__ → v. 加强__strengthen__ weak 虚弱的 adj. → n. 缺点;虚弱___weakness__ → v. 削弱__weaken___ limit 限制n. v. → adj. 有限的__limited___ → 反义词 无限的__limitless___ n. v. 平衡 _balance_ → adj. 平衡的 _balanced_ 平衡膳食 _balanced diet__ n. v. 利益;好处 _benefit_ → adj. 有益的_beneficial_ curious 好奇的adj. → adv. 好奇地__curiously__ → n. 好奇心 _curiosity_ 说谎 __tell lies/a lie__ (8) 谋生 __earn one’s living___ (9) 增加体重 _put on weight_ (10) 赢回 _win back__ (11) feel frustrated感到挫败、沮丧 (12) do some research (on) 对……做调查 (13) follow sb. into a place 跟踪某人去某地 (14) 难消化的食物glare at 怒视 (21) cut down the fat 减少油腻body-building or energy-giving food_ (24) 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚_get away with_ (25) 不久以后 _before long__ Step I. Warming up: ⒈ Do you know any essential nutrients(必需营养素Rice, noodles, bread, potatoes, chocolate, butter, cream, oils, nuts, spaghetti… What kind of food helps us grow bones and muscle? Meat, milk, eggs, cheese, tofu… What kind of food helps the body fight diseases? Most vegetables :beans, peppers, eggplants, cabbage… and fruit: apples, peaches, oranges, lemons… 3. Discussion Do you eat a healthy diet? Which one would you prefer? (PowerPoint) What will happen to you if you don’t eat a balanced diet? 4. What are energy-giving, body-building and protective foods? Energy-giving foods help you work and play all day. They are rice, noodles, nuts, butter etc. Body-building foods make strong bones and muscles and they are meat, fish and tofu. Protective foods help a person digest food and keep the body healthy. They are fresh fruit and vegetables. Step II. Pre-reading: 1. What do you think should go into a good meal? ___________________________________________________________. 2. Imagine you and your partner are going to invite some friends for dinner. What special food of your place would you offer them? Plan a menu. Step III. Reading: Fast reading: 1. Try to get the main


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