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EC50、IC5、LC50、LD50() EC50 - when experiment to death as a biological reaction to poison, but observation to determine a certain impact on the biological poison, such as fish out of balance, deformity, changes in enzyme activity and the algae growth inhibition, commonly used effective concentration: EC (effective concentration) to represent the poison on the test of biological toxicity. The EC50 refers to half of the effective concentration, which is the concentration of 50% of the test animals that produce a specific reaction, or that a certain reaction indicator is suppressed in the first half. LC50: (the Concentration of 50, the Concentration of death in death and half Lethal Concentration) indicates that the Concentration of the drug that kills 50% of the target is PPm. IC50 (English full name half the maximal (50%) inhibitory concentration (IC) of a substance (50% of IC, or IC50)) half inhibitory concentration IC50, the half maximal inhibitory concentration, represents the concentration of an inhibitor that is required for 50% inhibition of things like the an enzyme, a cell, a cell receptor or a microorganism. Its commonly used as a measure of drug effectiveness. Another measure of drug efficacy is EC50 which represents the concentration of a compound that is required to obtain 50% of the maximum effect. The reaction can be an enzyme catalyzed reaction, antigen antibody reaction, etc. In apoptosis, a drug can be understood as a certain concentration of 50%, inducing tumor cell apoptosis is called the concentration 50% inhibition concentration, namely the ratio of the number of apoptotic cells and cells is equal to 50% when the concentration of the corresponding, IC50 alue concentration can be used to measure the ability of drugs to induce apoptosis, which induced ability stronger, the value is lower, of course also can reverse that some cells resistant to drugs. The lower the concentration of EC50, the lower the better The higher the death rate of the LD50, the


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