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You’ll find that the importance of having an ongoing strategic communication process is never more evident than in a time of crisis. If you don’t regularly communicate with employees, they may not find a sudden and serious message from leadership credible, or, more likely, they will think it’s cause for alarm. The first thing, if appropriate to the situation, is for your leadership team to let employees know that the business’ first concern is their safety. Fear of the unknown is a big source of tension. Employees need to be told the crisis details and risks in a calm, reassuring manner. Let employees know exactly what is happening. If you don’t know the answer it’s OK to say “I don’t know the answer, but I commit to getting back to you when I do. Create an ongoing system for getting updated information to employees. And provide a forum for employees to voice concerns and ask questions. Walk through example… If time allows: Provide everyone with a copy of this sheet. Split everyone into small groups and ask the groups to split up initiatives among the individuals in their group (e.g., could be net income, GEOC, ACFC, etc…) Each person should take a few minutes to themselves to write down up to three key messages that they need to help employees understand what the imperatives mean to them and their role in simple language designed to help employees understand what the message means to them. Then, each person should role play delivering their messages to the others in their group. Allow 15-20 minutes for this exercise. (Five minutes for message development, then five minutes for each person to deliver their message to their small group and get feedback from others in the group.) After the exercise, ask everyone (1) what was helpful about the exercise; and (2) what was the most challenging. YOU are accountable for effective employee communication Understand the importance of communication and take appropriate action! Approach communication the same as


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