The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments of Global 政治,法律,和全球的监管环境[精品].ppt

The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments of Global 政治,法律,和全球的监管环境[精品].ppt

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The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments of Global 政治,法律,和全球的监管环境[精品]

The Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments of Global Marketing Chapter 5 The Political Environment Political Culture Nations-States and Sovereignty Political Risk Causes of Political Risk Expressions and Symptoms Taxes Seizure of Assets * Nations-States and Sovereignty Sovereignty Two context A country’s stage of development The political and economic system in place in the country Economies of Individual Nations Industrialized Newly industrialized Developed Elements of market and nonmarket systems Political power Global phenomenon Privatization Ex. Mexico * Political Risk What is Political risk? Causes of Political Risk Tension between the residents’ and goals and conditions Countries and political risk Expressions and Symptoms of Political Risk Expression Ex. Indonesia Symptoms Threat of civil disorder or ethnic conflict Currency depreciation * Taxes Governments Tax revenues VAT taxes Value-added tax Effect of VAT tax Corporate Taxation High level of political risk effect * Seizure of Assets Expropriation Confiscation Government Nationalization Creeping expropriation limitations * The Legal Environment International Law The rules and principles that nation-states consider binding upon themselves Organizations Contributions Public international law Disputes arising between nations are issues of public international law Sources * Common Law versus Civil Law Private international law The body of law that applies to disputes arising from commercial transactions between companies of different nations Civil law country One in which the legal system reflects the structural concepts and principals of the Roman Empire in the sixth century Common Law countries Many disputes are decided by the reliance on the authority of past judicial decisions Islamic law Is a comprehensive code governing Muslim conduct in all areas of life, including business * Sidestepping Legal Problems: Important Business Issues Jurisdiction Refers to a court’s authority to rule o


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