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Foreign language Summary of Graduation thesis
东北电力学院 2005 届本科毕业设计(论文) 毕业论文外文摘要
Title: Based on the online examination system of cross-domain of WEB
This article has explained a system structure based on examadministrative system of WEB and designs’s and realizes’s process.
Three layers of system structure that the system adopts:
JSP-JavaBean-Sql Server 2000 develops, and with namelying bow is
realized the show logic by JSPs page, and the vocational work logic
complicated inside the package realization system of JavaBean is used
in the centre, and Sql Servers 2000 data bases realizations data
logics are used to the back endThe System puts forward the complete settlement scheme of online
examination system of cross-domain communication, and realized the
classified special principle of title: the fraction etc are had
something made to order by proposition person oneself degree of
difficulty examination questions type examination title. The system
can accomplish having something made to order of examination paper,
the voluntarily formation of examination paper, and can look at in
advance to the examination paper, and revise. The examination paper
issues when accomplishing by the control center. Supervises center
control at candidate for an entrance examinations examination course
by the examination, also can be to candidate for an entrance
examination the examination state is prohibited or is permitted
controls, the examination end is given a mark, and the system can be
according to the answer circumstances of candidate for an entrance
examination to a fraction. The system adopts B / Ss model design,
and can add up the functions such as analysis etc to the frequency
that the examination questions were drawn. The system developed
successfully under the terrace of 2000 servers Windows Keywords: Question Management; Exam On-line ; JSP ; JavaBean; Sql
Server 2000 1东北电力学院 2005 届本科毕业设计(论文)
第一章 绪论
1.1 课题背景与意义
1.1.1 课题开发背景
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