
科技论文的选题与写作 ppt课件.ppt

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科技论文的选题与写作 ppt课件

国际单位制(SI) ? SI基本单位(7个): 长度: 米(m); 质量: 千克(kg); 时 间: 秒(s); 电流: 安培(A); 热力学温度: 开(K); 物质 的量: 摩尔(mol); 发光强度: 坎德拉(cd); ? SI导出单位: 是用基本单位以代数形式表示的单位 (单位符号中的乘和除采用数学符号). 例如: 速度的 SI单位为米每秒 (m/s); ? SI词头: 用于构成倍数单位(十进制倍数单位与分数 单位), 但不得单独使用(如: 106/m3不能写作M/m3); 也不允许使用重叠词头(如: 10?9 m可写作nm, 不能 写为mμm). * 量与单位符号: 应注意的问题 ? “含量”(content): 应根据特定情况使用标准化的量名称 (质量 分数, 体积分数或摩尔分数) ; ? “浓度”(concentration): 是指混合物中某成分的某一量与混合 物的总体积V之比, 常用单位是“mol/L”; ? 百分浓度(%), %(W/V), %(W/W),%(V/V)等均是“浓度”的 不规范表达; * The way to write right? * 10 golden rules for effective writing 1. In 科技ence, you are what you write. So, cavalier won’t do. 2. Style ,Structure , Spirit 第二节 科技论文的写作 10个高效写作黄金法则: * novelty, simplicity, clarity Hypothesis Data Start where background leaves off Experiments doable By you Hypothesis tenable Methods Exp. Design Follow the data thread: How acquired How analyzed 2. Style and Structure Background Not a review! Define the playing field Narrow the scope Define the gap Start w/ answer Clear, mechanistic testable Wonderful, not ordinary Discussion Key findings Limitations Pitfalls Implications Alternative viewpoint Conclusion * 10 golden rules for effective writing 3. Good writing cannot overcome bad 科技 ence. 4. Good 科技ence demands strong writing 5. Use definite, specific, concrete language 10个高效写作黄金法则: * 10 golden rules for effective writing 6. Use parallel construction for coordinate ideas 7. Emphasis position of a sentence is the end 8. Avoid sentences in loose succession; instead use expectation: AB, BC, CD….. * 10 golden rules for effective writing 9. Write as if reader is tired and may stop. 10. Find a style that you like. Analyze it. Emulate it. * 6. Use parallel construction for coordinate ideas Formerly, 科技ence was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed Formerly, 科技ence was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method. Example * On fortitude: Humanity has hardly advanced


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