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Revision 1.记得为我买些水果. 2. 我记得在什么地方见过他 3.当心电. 4. 他讨厌学英语. 5.我不知道该选哪一个. a presenter / newsreader 根据图片,完成句子: The _______ interviews lots of people and writes the articles. They are famous __________ from CCTV. He is my favourite _____. They work in a _____ station/studio. My parents often listen to the ____ ____. Listening: When the writer first met the radio studio manager, he was _______. A. fifteen B. four or five C. nine 2. How often did the writer play his favourite music from his father’s computer to the listeners? _________. A. For a week. B. Once C. Once a week. 3. Who helped the writer prepare the programmes? His _________. A. father B. friends C. teachers 4. The writer prepared the programmes about the weather by _____. A. listening to the radio B. watching TV C. looking out of the window. Learning to learn It’s something difficult to understand the orders. In the passage , it starts off in the past, during the writer’s early career. Then it goes to an earlier past, when he was a child . Make sure you understand the order of events in a story. Phrases/sentences 1.低下头看我 2.你不用上学吗? 3.怎么说呢? 4.最喜欢的播音员的声音 5.感觉好像播音员在面对面的和我说话. 6.在……岁的时候 求职 1. look down at me 2. Shouldn’t you be at school? 3. How could I explain? 4. the voices of my favourite presenters. 5. It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. 6. at the age of …… =when sb was/were ……(years old) ask for jobs Phrases/sentences 7.随着年龄的增长,我对广播的兴趣与日俱增. 8.听说 9.每周的节目 10.介绍音乐的文章 11.体育新闻 12.天气预报 13.天气预报的内容是我观察窗外的情况得来的. 14.做音质测试 7. As I grew older, my interest in radio grew. 8. learn about 9. weekly programmes 10. articles about music 11. sports news 12. weather reports 13. I did this by looking out of the windiw. 14. do a sound check Phrases/sentences 15.只需告诉我你早餐吃了什么. 16.所有播音员的工作都是从回答这个问题开始的. 17.这就是我怎样真正开始播音工作的故事. 15. Just tell me what you had for breakfast. 16. All radio presenters begin work with the same question. 17.This was how my first real job in radio begin. 单


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