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4. Eliza refused to have a bath, from what she said, we can infer that she lived a ________ life. A. miserable B. happy C. good D. dirty 推理判断 * 5. From act II, what can you infer? In order to prove himself, Higgins decided to teach Eliza free of charge Eliza had to change her grammar as well as pronunciation if she wanted to speak well When the bet was over, Eliza might get a job in a flower shop. Eliza would return to the gutter selling flowers in the street when once the experiment was over. * Rewrite these sentences using correct English. 1. I wanna be a lady in a flower shop ’stead o’ selling flowers in the street. 2. Now yer talking…. You wouldn’t have the face to ask me for the same for teaching me as yer would for French. 3. I can’t. I dursn’t. It ain’t natural and it’d kill me. I want to be a lady in a flower shop instead of selling flowers in the street. Now you’re talking… You wouldn’t dare to ask the same (amount) for teaching me (my own language) as you would for (teaching me) French. I cannot. I daren’t. It isn’t natural and it would kill me. * Discussion Choose adjectives to describe each character in the play. impatient kind polite confident anxious eager rude enthusiastic unsure generous ambitious superior emotional self-important * anxious, emotional, ambitious enthusiastic unsure dynamic impatient, rude, proud, superior, self-important kind, polite, generous, eager confident Eliza Doolittle Higgins Colonel Pickering * Pygmalion This play by Bernard Shaw is an adaptation of a Greek story. His wish is granted. He asks the Greek Goddess to bring her to life. Pygmalion, a gifted artist, makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman * in Psychology, we call it “Pygmalion Effect ”? What is it? * Pygmalion Effect The Pygmalion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. 皮格马利翁效应也被总结为:“说你行,你就行,不行也行;说你不行,你就不行,行也不行。” *


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