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I went to London yesterday. What did she see? T R B L P She saw…. * * * * * * I went to London yesterday. What did she eat? She ate…. * I went to London. What did she buy? She bought…. * We went to Dalian Forest Zoo on May Day(劳动节).We saw lots of animals. We ate some chips .I bought a toy panda for my son. We had a good time. * Free talk: I went to________. I saw_______. I ate_________. I bought _________. I had a good time. * Group work: * A School Trip It was a school trip. We to the park. We lots of trees and flowers. We some bread and apples. We a good time. went saw ate had went saw ate had * went saw ate had A School Trip It was a school trip. We to the . We . We . We a good time! * He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. 不到长城非好汉。 --毛泽东 * Homework: 1.Read the dialogue and try to recite. 2.Write a composition (作文 ): Where did you go ? What did you see, eat, buy? * M5 U1 We went to the Great Wall. What did you do yesterday? Free talk: I --- * What did Daming and Sam do yesterday? * There was a school trip. * a school trip Where ? * Where did Sam and Daming go yesterday ? Guess : * Watch and Listen (看光盘并且听) * Where did Sam and Daming go yesterday ? Think : Daming and Sam went to the Great Wall . go went 去--- * What did Sam and Daming do there ? fly a kite have a picnic take photos * Listen and Think (听并且思考) * What did Sam and Daming do there ? * Read and find the answers (自读并且找到答案) * What did do there ? Sam and Daming saw . Sam and Daming ate . Sam and Daming bought


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