快乐暑假复习2013高考英语6年高考精解精析 专题12 情景交际(pdf版)(可编辑).doc

快乐暑假复习2013高考英语6年高考精解精析 专题12 情景交际(pdf版)(可编辑).doc

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快乐暑假复习2013高考英语6年高考精解精析 专题12 情景交际(pdf版)(可编辑)

快乐暑假复习2013高考英语6年高考精解精析 专题12 情景交际(pdf版) 2012 江西卷27.‐‐HaveyoupaidWhatsmyshareofthebill ‐‐ Itwasntverymuch A .Dontworryaboutit B.Itsmyshare C .Noneofyourbusiness D.Itsuptoyou 2012 重庆卷35LookherecomesyourdreamgirlInvitehertodance ______Whatifsherefusesme AIdontknow BWhymeCWithpleasure DSowhat 35 考点定位交际用语 2012 重庆卷26‐TheModernArtExhibitionintheCityMuseumhasbeencancelled ‐Ohno______ AItsapity BItdoesntmatterCIknewitalready DItsnotinterestingatall 2012 辽宁卷23 ImterriblysorrytointerruptbutmayIuseyourphoneItsrather urgent Yes Awithpleasure B noburry C itdoesntmatter Dofcourse 1 2012 四川卷ExcusemeHowmuchistheshirt _______ AExtraLarge B50eachCItsellswell DAltogetherthereare5 答案 B 考点定位本题考查交际用语 解析句意为打扰一下这衬衫多少钱______ A 意为超大号B 意为每 件 50 C 意为它很畅销D 意为总共有 5 件根据语境故选 B 2012 四川卷3GoodbyeJohnComebackagainsometime Sure______ AIdid BIdoCIshall DIwill 2012 陕西卷16Im sorry for being late I should have phoned you earlier --_________ Ive just arrived A Thats no trouble B You are welcome C Thats all right D You can never tell A17[2012 陕西卷] 答案与解析C考查交际用语A 项意思是一点也不麻烦B 项意思 是不用谢C 项意思是好的行没关系D 项意思是你永远说不清楚所填部分 是对 Imsorry 的应答根据情景选 C 2012 陕西卷21The trip shouldnt take more than an hour _______Tt is at least two hours A I guess so B Thats it C You must be joking D It depeds 2012 全国 II 20 ---Try not to work yourself too hard Take it easy --- Thanks _________ A So what B No way C What for D You too 2012 全国 II 6 ---What shall we do tonight then ---_________--whatever you want A Help yourself B Its a deal C No problem D Its up to you 5 2012 天津卷---You have to believe in yourself No one else will if you dont ---__________ Confidence is really important D AIts not my cup of tea B Thats


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