我国导游薪酬制度现状分析及对策——以远足旅游社为例 毕业论文范文模板参考资料.doc

我国导游薪酬制度现状分析及对策——以远足旅游社为例 毕业论文范文模板参考资料.doc

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我国导游薪酬制度现状分析及对策——以远足旅游社为例 毕业论文范文模板参考资料

我国导游薪酬制度现状分析及对策 ——以远足旅游社为例 摘要:旅游业导游是运用专门知识和技能为旅游者提供向导、讲解和旅途服务的专业术人员。导游人员作为旅行社旅游接待工作中的主体,是整个旅游服务的轴心,为我国旅游业的发展起着至关重要的作用。旅游业导游;薪酬;设计China Tour Guides Pay System Analysis And Countermeasures ——as hiking travel agencies an example to Abstract: Tour guides are the professional and technical personnel who can use specialized knowledge and skills,and travel services to support to tourists. As the main reception in the work of travel agent and the axis of travel services,tour guides play a pivotal role in the development of tourism industry of China. With Chinas accession to WTO and the further development of socialist market economy, the traditional pay system faces great challenges guides. The current tour of the legitimate income is very low, difficult to protect their basic living standards, as well as compensation for their work can not be paid by the course of mental and physical labor. This situation led to the work of tour guides to actively reduced, quality of service decline, and have to persuade tourists to shop in order to pick up the behavior of kickbacks, influence the healthy development of Chinas tourism industry. Today, the rapid development in tourism, the service level and quality of tour guides, and no corresponding increase, a large number of tourists every year to make a complaint. The reason this is a sound system of remuneration had not closely related. How to design a reasonable salary guide, salary guide to solve the current problems and improve the service quality of tour guides, Our hiking tour guide for the case of the effectiveness of pay system reform to make a statement. Keywords: Tourism ,Guide ,Compensation ,Design 目录 一、绪论………………………………………………………………………………1 (一)研究背景及研究意义 1 1、研究背景 1 2、研究意义 1 (二)研究现状 2 1、对导游薪酬的构成研究 2 2、对导游薪酬形成的原因研究 2 3、对导游薪酬改革的研究 3 二、相关理论概述………………………………………………………………… 4 (一)效率工资理论 4 (二)分享工资理论 4 (三)人力资本工资理论 4 (四)公平理论 5 三、公司概况…………………………………………………………………………6 四、远足旅行社导游人员薪酬分析…………………………………………………7 (一)导游人员薪酬现状研究 7 1、平均收


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