
第二讲保守主义 4 .ppt

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第二讲保守主义 4

当代西方政治思潮(之二) 主讲人:黄岭峻 第二讲 保守主义(4):简介 Lecture 2, Conservatism(4) 一、列奥·施特劳斯的生平 Leo Strauss (September 20, 1899 – October 18, 1973) was a German-born American political philosopher who specialized in classical political philosophy. He spent most of his career as a professor of political science at the University of Chicago, where he taught several generations of students and published 15 books. 1,出生:1899年9月20日出生于德国普鲁士一个犹太人家庭,父亲为农场主。 2,早期教育:1912-1917,在马堡的一家著名中学学习。 The Gymnasium Philippinum was founded in 1527 as a Protestant school based at the same time with the University of Marburg. The goal of the Gymnasium Philippinum was, above all, to provide young students with the knowledge of Latin and Greek they required. 3,军旅生涯:1917-1918,加入德军,投身一战。 Strauss served in the German army during World War I from July 5, 1917 to December 1918. 4,获得博士学位:1918-1921,洪堡大学。 Strauss enrolled in the University of Hamburg, where he received his doctorate in 1921; his thesis, On the Problem of Knowledge in the Philosophical Doctrine of F. H. Jacobi, was supervised by Ernst Cassirer. 博士论文:《论雅各比哲学思想中的知识问题》 导师:恩斯特·卡西尔 小卡片:雅各比Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743-1819) Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (25 January 1743 - 10 March 1819), was a German philosopher notable for coining the term nihilism and promoting it as the prime fault of Enlightenment thought and Kantianism. In this sense, Jacobi anticipated present-day writers who criticize secular philosophy as relativistic and dangerous for religious faith. 反对虚无主义。 小卡片:卡西尔 Ernst Cassirer(1874-1945) Ernst Cassirer (July 28, 1874 – April 13, 1945) was one of the major figures in the development of philosophical idealism in the first half of the twentieth century, a German Jewish philosopher. Coming out of the Marburg tradition of neo-Kantianism, he developed a philosophy of culture as a theory of symbols founded in a phenomenology of knowledge. 人是符号的动物。 补充1:同时,他还在弗莱堡大学与马堡大学听课,老师有胡塞尔和海德格尔。 补充2:同时,还加入德国锡安主义运动。 5,1921-1931,在柏林的犹太人研究院做研究,期间,曾试图跟从蒂立利做博士后,但未成功。


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