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一、学习材料分析 1.话题:围绕所提建议表示自己赞同与否。 2.语言点: (1)重点词汇:dress rehearsal,coach, either, picnic (2)有关建议句型: Ask for suggestions: What shall we do? Where shall we go? Making suggestions: Couldn’t we go somewhereoutside Edinburgh? What/How about going up intothe Pentland Hills? We could do a bit ofclimbing. Why don’t we go for along walk? Let’s find out about thecoach times. Giving opinions: Agreeing:?? That’s not a bad idea! ???? That’s a good idea! Disagreeing:???????? I don’t know. I’m notvery keen on climbing. Walking is not really mything, either. No way! 情感渗透: 学习交流与合作,以小组合作的形式学会与他人分享成功的喜悦学会如何有礼貌地与人交流相处。 ?Step 1 Lead in(Free talk) ?T: What will you do this weekend? And where will you go? To go somewhere outside and take some fresh air? To climb the mountain ,for example,? Or just stay at home and sleep? (设计意图:这些话题与本课听力内容相关,除了导入作用,利用材料中的部分句子可以起到承接和降低难度作用) Step 2: Listen to the dialogue carefully and try to get asmuch information as possible, see who has the best memory to answer myquestions about the dialogue. ?1. How many people areinvolved in the dialogue? 2. What do they have todo On Sunday evening? 3. Do they agree witheach other? 4. what do they decide todo on Sunday at last? (设计意图:学生带着竞争的意识认真听录音,这四个问题囊括了材料的大意,这样会让学生对整个材料有比较完整的把握。) Step 3: 1. ?Listen againand fill in the blanks. Zoe: What shall we do onSunday, Jack? Jack: I could ________some fresh air. Couldn’t we go somewhere outside Edinburgh? Zoe: Like where? Don’tforget we’ve got the dress rehearsal on Sunday evening. They can’t do ________us. We’ve both got large parts. Jack: I know, but therehearsal’s not until six. What about __________ into the Pentland Hills? Ithink they do coach trips there from the city centre. Perhaps we could do_________climbing. Lan: I don’t know. I’mnot very keen on climbing. Jack: Well, we ________go climbing. ________ go for a long walk? Kelly: Yes, that’s not abad idea. Lan: _______ is notreally my thing, either. Zoe: Oh, come on! Wecould take a picnic with us. Jack: ___________


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