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人体解剖学sensory organs 1
第十三章 感觉器总论 郧阳医学院 解剖教研室 邓兆宏 感觉器: The Sensory Organs 感觉器:Sensory organs 是感受器receptor及其附属结构的总称,是机体感受刺激的装置。可分为三类。 1、外感受器 exteroceptor 2、内感受器 interoceptor 3、本体感受器 proprioceptor 第十四章 视器 Visual Organ 视器由眼球和眼副器共同构成。 赤道Equator在眼球的表面,距前、后极相等的各点连线。 眼轴:axis oculi :前、后极的连线。 视轴axis Optica :瞳孔至 中央凹的连线与视线方向一致。 一、眼球壁 Walls of eyeball (一)纤维膜或外膜 1、角膜Cornea anterior 1/6 2、巩膜Sclera posterior 5/6, 巩膜静脉窦sinus venosus sclerae (二)血管膜或中膜 1、虹膜Iris 瞳孔pupil Contains sphincter pupillae 瞳孔括约肌(circular fibers) and dilator pupillae 瞳孔开大肌 (radial fibers) Cornea and iris meet to form the iridocorneal angle 虹膜角膜角 2、 睫状体Cilliary body Body a ring-shaped thickening anterior to equator, containing smooth muscle fibers睫状突Ciliary processes a series of some 60~80 projections producing aqueous humor 睫状环Ciliary ring 3、脉络膜Choroid Thin, highly vascular in posterior 2/3 of eye Contains brown pigmented cells and dense capillary plexus (三)视网膜或内膜 视网膜盲部Pars caeca retina 视网膜虹膜部 Pars iridica retinae 视网膜睫状体部 Pars ciliaris retinae 视网膜视部Pars optica retinae Lines the choroidsComposed of two layers An outer pigment cell layer Inner neural layer (four layers) The fourth layer consists photoreceptor cells 视锥细胞Cone cells are color receptors that function best during the day 视杆细胞Rod cells are dark-light receptors that function best at night and in dim light The third layer consists of双极细胞bipolar neurons The second layer is formed节细胞ganglion cells , whose axons form optic nerve The first layer consists of nerve axons that collect at the optic disk and pass through the sclera to form the optic nerve 视神经盘 Optic disc 黄斑Macula lutea 中央凹Fovea centralis 二、眼球的内容物Contents of eyeball (一)眼房和房水 1、眼房Chamber of eye 2、房水 Aqueous humor A clear watery fluid that fills chamber of eye Continuously secreted by ciliary body into posterior cham
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