人体解剖学myology 1.pptVIP

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人体解剖学myology 1

Morphology Muscle belly肌腹 Tendon肌腱 aponeurosis 腱膜 Classification Long muscle 长肌 Short muscle 短肌 Broad muscle阔肌 Orbicular mucle 轮匝肌 Origin 起点 insertion 止点 position 位置 action 作用 Nomenclature of mucles肌的命名: shap, size, location, and their points of attachment Accessory structures Fascia Superficial fascia Deep fascia Synovial bursa * * * * * * * * * * Myology 余 明 华 Tendinous sheath Fibrous layer Synovial layer: mesotendon, vincula tendinum Section 1 The muscles of head The facial muscles -the epicranius -the orbicularis oculi -the muscles around the mouth The masticatory muscles -the masseter -the temporalis -the medial pterygoid -the lateral pterygoid Section 2 The muscles of neck By their situations the muscles of neck are divided into three groups: superficial, anterior and deep. Ⅰ. the superficial group 1. the platysma 2. Sternocleidomastoid ACTION Protracts head when acting together; The head is inclined laterally and the face is rotated to the opposite side INSERTION mastoid process ORIGIN manubrium and clavicle Ⅱ. the anterior group 1. the suprahyoid muscles digastric mylohyoid stylohyoid Geniohyoid 2. the infrahyoid muscles sternohyoid omohyoid sternothyroid thyrohyoid Ⅲ. the deep group 1. lateral group scalenus anterior scalenus medius scalenus posterior Scalene fissure: above the first rib, between the scalenus anterior and scalenus medius. brachial plexus and subclavian artery 2. medial group The Muscles of Trunk The Muscles of Back The Muscles of Thorax The Diaphragm The Muscles of Abdomen Section 3 The Muscles of Back Trapezius -raises,descends,retracts Scapula Latissimus dorsi -extends,adducts and medially rotates humerus Levator scapulae Rhomboideus Erector spinae Splenius The Muscles of Thorax Pectoralis major - adducts and medially rotates arm Pectoralis minor Serratus anterior -holds the scapula against chest wall EXTERNAL INTERCOST


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