英语:Unit 6 It is raining教学教材1(人教新目标七年级下).ppt

英语:Unit 6 It is raining教学教材1(人教新目标七年级下).ppt

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英语:Unit 6 It is raining教学教材1(人教新目标七年级下).ppt

Unit 6 It is raining. ;What day is it today? It is Wednesday. What’s the date today? It is February 23rd.;Words and phrases ; 下雨 有风的;多风的 多云的;阴天的 阳光充足的 下雪 天气气候 莫斯科 波士顿 烹调;煮 ;假期;休假 在度假中 拍照 平卧;躺 海滩 看;朝---看 团体;组 令人满意的;绝妙的 感到惊讶的 ;重点单词;词性变化;二、本身就是表示天气的形容词:;三。其它重点单词:;练习:; 6. beach 沙滩 beaches 7. everyone每个人/everything每件事(物)(复合不定代词作主语,谓语动词使用单数) 8. bad=terrible 坏的 9. cool (口语)令人满意的 练习: 1. A: _______everyone here today?(今天每个人都 来了吗?) B: Sorry, Tom is not here. A. Is B. Are C. Am D. Be 2. There are many ______ in China. (beach);“动词+ ed”转化为形容词;重点短语:;This group of _______ is from Australia.(boy) 2. These groups of students _____ great.(be) 3. A: What are you doing now? B: We _______ now. A. swim B. swimming C. swims D. to swim;4. Here ______ some books, and here _____ some water. (be) 5. A: Where does she live? B: She ______ in Beijing. (live) ;6.( ) Mary has a good time every day. 试比较: 7. ( ) Mary and Tom have a good time every day. A. have fun B. has fun 要点分析:如果同义词是谓语动词,则要考虑谓语动词的人称、单复数形式。;Grammar ;本单元三个重点句型;2.A: How is it going with you? 你近况如何? B: It is pretty great / good.相当好。 It is great / good.好。 It is OK /so-so.一般。 It is not bad.不坏。 It is terrible / bad.差。(评价性 回答);1.What are you doing? I am watching TV. 2.What are they doing? They’re studying. 3.What’s he doing? He’s playing basketball. 4.What’s she doing? She’s cooking. ;;Read the passage ,answer the following questions:;1.Join CCTV’s Around The World show 加入《环球掠影》节目 2.on vacation = on holiday度假 3.take photos = take a phone照相 4.lie — lying 5.this group of people这群人 6.look cool 看起来真酷 7. In this heat 在这样的温度下 ;1.Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show 2.Some are taking photos,others are lying on the beach (一些 …另一些) 3.This is a very interesting place =an interesting place 4.Look at /see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 ;Test ;;;;;


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