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商业银行信用卡业务风险问题的研究 ——以建设银行为例 摘要 我国信用卡业务发展迅速,每年发卡规模都成倍增长,从事信用卡业务的商业银行也越来越多,可以说,未来我国信用卡业务发展潜力是无穷的。但是在信用卡业务长足发展的同时,我们也看到了层出不穷的信用卡风险,包括信用卡诈骗、恶意刷卡以及伪造证件冒领信用卡等等的信用卡犯罪事件。信用卡业务是国外银行主要的利润增长点,而我国目前信用卡业务整体却基本处在稍微亏损的境地,如何完善信用卡风险管理成为目前商业银行发展信用卡业务面临的首要问题。 本文首先对建设银行信用卡业务风险管理现状的进行了描述,找出此行信用卡业务风险管理仍然存在的问题,并对产生这些问题的原因进行了剖析;最后,基于前面的分析结果,文章给出了提高信用卡业务风险管理水平的建议。 关键词:信用卡业务;商业银行;风险管理 Abstract The credit card business of our country is developing rapidly, each card size is doubled, engaged in commercial bank credit card business is also more and more, can say, the future of Chinas credit card business development potential is infinite. But in the rapid development of credit card business at the same time, we also see emerge in an endless stream of the credit card risk, including credit card fraud, malicious charge and forgery claim credit card and credit card crime. But the credit card business is the main profit point of growth of foreign banks, and Chinas current credit card business is basically in the whole little loss position, how to improve the credit risk management has become a major issue at present the development of commercial bank credit card business face. Firstly,based on former view points,this paper describes Present situation of risk management of credit card business of The Bank,and Points out some existing Problems in the aspects of risk management. Finally,this Paper Puts forward some element countermeasures,related to risk management of credit card. Key words: Credit card business;mmercial bank;Risk managemen 目录 第一章 引言 1 1.1研究背景及意义 1 1.2研究内容及结构安排 2 第二章 建设银行信用卡业务风险管理现状分析 3 2.1 建设银行信用卡业务的现状 3 2.2建设银行信用卡业务风险管理现状 4 第三章 建设银行信用卡业务风险管理的问题及原因分析 6 3.1 建设银行信用卡业务风险管理的问题 6 3.2 建设银行信用卡业务风险管理问题原因分析 6 第四章 信用卡业务风险管理的对策建议 8 4.1 加强信用卡风险管理外部体系建设 8 4.2 完善发卡行内部风险管理体系 8 结论 10 致谢 11 参考文献 12 第一章 引言 1.1研究背景及意义 近年来,随着我国国民经济总体保持较快增长,社会信用环境不断完善,作为非现金支付工具的信用卡获得了空前良好的发展机遇。各家商业银行纷纷瞄准信用卡这一高风险、高收益的中间业务,积极参与信用卡产业,提供的信用卡产品和服务日益多样化,不仅满足了持卡人多层次客观需求,还对方便支付、促进消费、拉动内需起到了积极的推动作用。但在信用卡业务繁荣的背后,各类风险也


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