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摘 要 网络的日益发展,使网站的开发和管理倍受人们的关注。在这里,介绍了基于PHPCMS框架的CMS网站系统的开发,剖析了模块化开发方式 Design and implementation of CMS occupation technical school in Hami based on portal Abstract The increasing development of the network, so that website development and management of much attention. Here, the introduced based on the CMS website PHPCMS framework system development,analysis of the modular development way in the website of the advantages of the process.CMS is a good tool for web information management and maintenance, and thus become the site of choice for many. The CMS with PHP as the main language, the use of MySQL as a database support. PHP and MYSQL are the best combination of small and medium-sized site. The site mainly for school information, school information dissemination is a trivial, complex, very detailed work, but does not allow for error, according to the traditional mode of information dissemination, it will take a lot of staff time and effort, and is also very difficult to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of news. The school website based on CMS is an online to the realization of the online news users, multiple columns management, to conduct real-time statistics and records online interactive system. His appearance is very good solution to this as pressing danger. Key Words:PHPCMS;CMS;MYSQL;Web Development;nformation Release 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 引 言 1 1绪论 2 1.1课题背景与意义 2 1.1.1课题背景 2 1.1.2项目提出的意义 2 1.2国内外现状分析 3 1.3本文的主要贡献及组织结构 4 1.3.1本文的主要贡献 4 1.3.2本文的组织结构 4 2网站的开发方法及相关技术 5 2.1软件开发模型 5 2.2系统开发方法 6 2.3体系结构 7 2.4开发工具及环境简介 8 3需求分析 8 3.1网站开发目标 8 3.2系统需求分析 9 3.2.1业务需求分析 9 3.2.2用户需求分析 9 3.2.3功能需求分析 10 3.2.4非功能性需求分析 11 4哈密职业技术学校门户网站设计 12 4.1网站运行环境 12 4.2网站设计模型 12 4.3数据库设计 12 4.3.1概念结构设计 13 4.3.2逻辑结构设计 13 5哈密职业技术学校门户网站实现 14 5.1界面及编码风格 14 5.1.1界面风格 14 5.1.2编码风格 16 5.2编码示例 18 5.3网站栏目功能实现 19 5.3.1网站首页栏目设计 19 5.3.2网站关于我们栏目设计 25 5.3.3网站机构设置栏目设计 26 5.3.4网站校园风采栏目设计 27 5.3.5网站新闻中心栏目设计 28 5.3.6网站资料下载栏目设计 29 6系统测试 30 6.1系统测试环境 30 6.2系统测试效果 30 6.2.1后台主页 30 6.2.2栏目管理 31 6.2.


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