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摘 要 本设计为市政工程(城市道路)设计,慈溪杭州湾新区兴慈六路设计全过程。本区段内有一个“十”字交叉口。设计具体分为平面线型设计、横断面设计、纵断面设计、交叉口设计、路基路面设计、照明排水设计。平面线采用“市政详 规”所确定的规划线位,全线呈南北走向,道路沿线依次与起点、滨海三路、终点相交,跨越中心横江规划河道。路线的转点位于相交道路的交叉点,故全线不设平曲线。重点对横断面设计、竖曲线计算和交叉口设计作了详细计算。 本设计从近期和远期交通量的需求出发,综合考虑了未来几年的人口增长和车辆交通量的变化,使“新区”能更好地融入上海、杭州、宁波2小时的交通,做到“以人为本”,遵循了可持续发展的原则。 本路全长1146.86米,设计速度 40Km/h,全路为三幅路,双向四车道。机动车道宽3.75m、路面厚度为870mm。 关键词 城市道路;交叉口设计;沥青混凝土;红线宽度 Abstract This design project (urban road) designs, Cixi Hangzhou Bay new zone Tsz extend the design process. This section has a ten intersection. Design specific cross section of divided into flat pattern design, design, design of longitudinal section design, intersection design, pavement design, lighting and drainage. Planar lines using urban detailed plan established by the planning line, across the North-South, roads and a starting point, then along the coastal road, intersecting the end point, across the River Center hengjiang planning. Line transfer point is at the intersection of the cross roads, therefore no horizontal curves for all. Cross section calculation of vertical curve design, focused on design and intersection are calculated in detail. This design from the short and long term traffic demand, considering the population growth in the coming years and changes of vehicular traffic so that the new district can be better integrated into Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo 2 hours of traffic, so that people-oriented, has been guided by the principles of sustainable development. This road is 1146.86 meters, design speed 40Km/h, wide road is three-channel, bi-directional four lanes. Motorway width 3.75m, 3.50m, pavement thickNess of 810mm. Keywords Urban road; Intersection design;Asphalt Concrete;Red line width 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 第1章 道路概况 1 1.1 概述 1 1.2 设计依据 1 1.3 设计标准 1 1.4 自然条件 2 1.4.1 地理位置及地形地貌 2 1.4.2 工程地质 2 1.4.3 气象 2 第2章 道路设计 2 2.1 平面设计 2 2.2 纵断面设计 4 2.2.1 竖曲线设计 4 2.3 横断面设计 18 2.3.1 机动车车道数和宽度 19 2.3.2 非机动车车道宽度 20 2.3.3 人行道宽度及铺装 20 2.3.4 设施带及绿化带 22 2.3.5 路拱设计 23 2


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