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拉线机退火装置的结构及工作原理浅析 摘要 退火是一种金属热处理工艺,指的是将金属缓慢加热到一定温度,保持足够时间,然后以适宜速度冷却。改善或消除钢铁在铸造、锻压、轧制和焊接过程中所造成的各种组织缺陷以及残余应力,防止工件变形、开裂;软化工件以便进行切削加工; 细化晶粒,改善组织以提高的机械性能 关键词 Abstract Annealing is a kind of metal heat treatment process, refers to the metal is heated to a definite temperature slowly, keep enough time, and then to appropriate speed cooling. Annealing objective: to improve or eliminate iron and steel in casting, forging, rolling and welding process caused by all kinds of tissue defects and residual stress, to prevent the deformation and crack; In order to soften the workpiece cutting processing; Refining grain, improve the organization in order to improve the mechanical properties of the metal materials. In the cable industry conductor metal annealing can improve the conductivity. Drawer annealing device is more, rapid annealing device to pull machine production efficiency increased significantly. In the actual production process, we on the existing basis hope to maximize economic benefits; This we need to operating personnel to drawer annealing device structure of knowledge and understanding of the principle, more effective for production cost saving. Through the related training, can walk into jobs. This paper introduced in detail the working principle of annealing, device structure and annealing equipment system operation. Key word Annealing principle;Annealing temperature ;Annealing form;Heating equipment 目 录 一、前言 二、 1、 4 2、 5 3、 6 4、 6 5、 6 6、 7 三、 10 1、 10 2、 10 3接触式大电流退火 10 四、 12 1、 13 2、 14 3、 , 本文将着重阐述铜导体的连续退火装备方面的几个关键环节。由于电线电缆产品中的铜导体如:通讯电缆、塑力缆、高压电缆、电磁线等等,几乎都要求导体为经过退火的软线芯,最基本的要求其表面光亮,不氧化,不允许烧伤,延伸率均匀有些产品要求导体具有特殊的柔软度等等,无论采用什么样的方式进行退火,如退火、感应式退火或者目前普遍采用的接触式退火,其最终目的都要求线必须达到电缆产品所需的导体性能。 而现在,最严重的问题正是缺乏专业技术人员,这也是我选择这个岗位的原因。本文将逐一介绍主要部件的结构并分别解析他们的工作原理,从而让大家初步的认识一下这个行业的加工技术。 ??摄氏度和500~550摄氏度,二段式退火形式,主要用于大拉机连续退火装置 2、三段式退火 有预热段、退火段、再热段组成的三段式。采用再热段的目的主要使导线表面的水渍加速挥发和干燥。并使退火后的导线表面光亮,三段式退火主要用于大型拉线机连续退火装置 由图1所示,设加于上接触导轮A和下接触导轮B的直流电压、电流为U退和U总.则三角形区域上的电压、电流之间应具有如



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