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* Pathogenisis: 3 stages : 1. Invasion – 1 week, first symptoms appear 12 hours to 2 days following ingestion of trichina cysts. 2. migration of larvae – 2 week to 2 months, penetration and encystment in skeletal muscles 3. calcification (if one survives stage2!) - occurs several months after infection - calcium is deposited around the cysts - Larva eventually die in a year or longer Diagnosis: Muscle biopsy Treatment : Mebendazole, Albendazole Prevention Thorough cooking (temperature above 58o C) 2. freezing for 20 days will kill temperate climate strain 3. Do not feed pork scraps in garbage to pigs * Trichinella [trikinel?] 旋毛形线虫,简称旋毛虫, Trichinella spiralis What’s this? 这是什么?猪肉。 有同学见过这道菜吗?热情的白族人民经常用这道风味独特的菜肴来招待亲戚朋友,一夹生猪肉沾上沾水,据说是非常美味,但是就是这道出名的“生皮”导致了一种严重的寄生虫病,着就是我们今天要讲的旋毛虫病。 arctic [ɑ:ktik] * invasion [invei??n] larvae [lɑ:vi:] myocarditis [.mai?ukɑ:daitis] encephalitis [.ensef?laitis] biopsy [bai?psi] Squeeze [skwi:z] Mebendazole [mibend?z?ul] 陈熙 昆明医学院寄生虫学教研室 旋毛形线虫(旋毛虫) Trichinella spiralis * 生活史(Cycle parasitaire) 囊包 侵入肠粘膜 幼虫 成虫 (十二指肠) ♂虫死亡♀ 虫产新生蚴 幼虫囊包 幼虫 (肠腔) 入血 (横纹肌) 宿主吞食 Larve enkystée (肠粘膜内) * 生活史(Cycle parasitaire ) * 谢谢观赏! Thanks! * 旋毛形线虫 (旋毛虫) Trichinella spiralis 寄生于人和多种哺乳动物,引起旋毛虫病(trichinellosis),是人兽共患食源性寄生虫病。 * 病例 * Distribution of Trichinella spiralis Trichinosis is most common in temperate and arctic climates - high prevalence in pork-eating areas of the world. arctic temperate 五、流 行(Epidemiology) 1. 流行概况 * Trichinellosis Outbreaks (2001-2005) / * 我国旋毛虫病的地理分布 * 形态(morphology) 1.成虫(adult): 虫体细小呈线状,前端较细,后端较粗。两性成虫的生殖器官均为单管型。 ♂(1.4~1.6)mm×(0.04~0.05)mm ♀ (3~4)mm×0.06mm * * 2.幼虫(larva): 虫体细长,大小约100×6μm。主要是在宿主的横纹肌纤维内寄居,长大后自行卷曲,形成梭形的幼虫囊包(larva cyst),大小约为0.25~0.5×0.21~0.42mm。 Larvae of trichinella spiralis in muscle section * 生活史(Cycle parasitaire ) 囊包 侵入肠粘膜,24h后回到肠腔 幼虫 成虫 (十二指肠) 48h后 (4次蜕皮) (肠粘膜内) ♀虫继续长大,产新生蚴 ♂虫死亡 幼虫囊包 幼虫 (交配) 入血 (横纹肌) 宿主吞食 * * 宿主关系:人是中间宿主又是终宿主, 猪等动物是保虫宿主 2. 感染期和感染途径: 囊胞,经口感染 3、寄生部位: 成虫寄


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