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( ) ( ) 中国水稻科学 Chi nese J R ice S ci , 2005 , 19 4 :308~3 14 308 ht tp :/ / www . ricescience . or g 水稻根质膜 Ca2 + / H+ 反向转运体的存在及其特性 (浙江省台州学院 生物系 , 浙江 临海 3 17000 ; Email :gmshen @tzc . edu . cn) 沈国明  Exi st ence of Ca2 + / H + A ntiport er and It s Prop ertie s in t he Pla sma Membrane s of Rice Root s ( ) SH EN Guoming   D ep art ment of B iology , Z hej i ang Taiz hou Uni vers ity , L i nhai 3 1 7000 , Chi na; Em ai l : g ms hen @tz c . e d u. cn 2 + + Abstract : The p ep tidesepcific antipobies of t he Ca / H antiport er clearly react ed wit h a 44 . 5 kD p rot ein f rom rice root 2 + pla sma membrane by immunoblot ting . Ca t ran sport activities of rice root pla sma membr ane by t he filt ration met hod u sing 45 Ca2 + , indicat ed t hat t here wa s a Ca2 + / H + antiport er ( OsCA X2) dep ended on t ran smembrane p roton gradient in t he rice root 2 + pla sma membrane , and manganese ion could rest rain Ca t ran sport activities of OsCA X2 p artially . Kinetics analy si s showed ( ) μ t hat t he Vmax of OsCA X2 was 34 . 72 nmol/ min ·mg , t he Km wa s 3 . 83 mol/ L and t he optimum p H value wa s 72 . 2 + + Key words : Ca / H antiport er ; rice ; root


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