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第30 卷 第1 期 采矿与安全工程学报 Vol.30 No.1 2013 年01 月 Journal of Mining Safety Engineering Jan. 2013 文章编号:1673-3363-(2013)01-0068-061 渗流作用下裂隙岩体冻结温度场分布规律研究 高娟,冯梅梅,杨维好 ( 中国矿业大学深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室,力学与建筑工程学院,江苏 徐州 221008) 摘要 建立了渗流作用下裂隙岩体双孔冻结的数值计算模型,采用 COMSOL Multiphysics 有限元 分析软件,实现了裂隙岩体冻结过程中耦合及相变问题的模拟,分析了裂隙存在对岩体冻结温度 场及渗流场的影响,研究了不同渗流速度下对应的冻结温度场的分布规律。结果表明:裂隙的存 在会减薄上游冻结壁厚度,等温线在冻结壁外圈形成“心形”分布;渗流速度对冻结壁的发育及 其交圈时间影响较大,渗流速度愈大,冻结壁发育愈慢,交圈时间愈长。在本文条件下,当渗流 速度小于 7 m/d 时,流速与交圈时间基本呈线性关系;当渗流速度超过 7 m/d 时,交圈时间呈现 急剧增长,达到 10 m/d 时,交圈时间趋于无限大,即交不上圈。 关键词 冻结温度场;渗流;裂隙岩体;冻结壁;交圈时间 中图分类号 TD 262 文献标志码 A Research on distribution law of frozen temperature field of fractured rock mass with groundwater seepage GAO Juan,FENG Mei-mei ,YANG Wei-hao (State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering,School of Mechanics Civil Engineering, China University of Mining Technology,Xuzhou ,Jiangsu 221008 ,China) Abstract A numerical calculation model of fractured rock mass artificial seepage freezing with two holes was set up ,and the problem of coupling and phase change during the freezing process were simulated by using the COMSOL Multiphysics finite-element analysis software.The influence of the fracture on the distribution of freezing temperature field and seepage field was analyzed.The distribu- tion law of freezing temperature field corresponding to the different flow velocities was researched.The results show that the existence of fracture reduces the thickness of the frozen wall in the upstream ,and the isotherms outside the frozen wall show “heart-shaped”distribution.The seepage velocity has a great in


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