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中草药 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs 第 42 卷 第 12 期 2011 年 12 月 • 2541 • 黄花蒿干物质的积累及青蒿素与 N 、P、K 量的动态变化研究 漆小雪,韦 霄,陈宗游,王熊军,蒋运生 中国科学院广西植物研究所,广西 桂林 541006 摘 要:目的 通过对黄花蒿干物质的积累及青蒿素与 N 、P 、K 量的动态变化研究,了解黄花蒿植株 N 、P 、K 的需求比 例以及干物质的积累及 N 、P 、K 量和青蒿素量之间的关系,为肥料的合理配施提供参考。方法 以桂93001 号黄花蒿为 观测对象,定期采集植株样品,测定其生物量和根、茎、叶、花中的 N 、P 、K 以及叶片和花的青蒿素量。结果 黄花蒿 7 月中旬前干物质积累量最少,青蒿素的积累量最大,8 月中旬到 9 月底干物质积累量较大,9 月底叶片的青蒿素量达到 最低;黄花蒿植株 N 、P 、K 积累量较多的时期主要在其生长前期,其中 N 、K 是黄花蒿需要较多的营养元素,N 、P 、K 在植株体内分配的比例为 1 ∶0.12 ∶0.76,每生产 100 kg 黄花蒿需要 N 19.6 ~28.2 、P 2.0~3.4、K 13.6~17.3 kg。结论 施 肥的重要时期主要放在生长前期,而肥料应以 N 、K 肥为主,配施适量的 P 肥,根据目标产量和土壤 N 、P 、K 量确定其 施肥量。 关键词:黄花蒿;干物质;青蒿素;N ;P ;K ; 中图分类号:R282.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0253 - 2670(2011)12 - 2541 - 04 Dynamic change of dry matter accumulation and ralationship between artemisinin and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium in Artomisia annua QI Xiao-xue, WEI Xiao, CHEN Zong-you, WANG Xiong-jun, JIANG Yun-sheng Guangxi Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guilin 541006, China Abstract: Objective To study the dynamic change of dry matter accumulation and relationship between artemisinin and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in Artomisia annua , to investigate the needed proportion of N, P, and K, and to provide the reference for reasonable fertilization. Methods According to the development period we observed the biomass in the collected plant specimen Gui93001 of A . annua and analyzed the contents of N, P, and K in the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers and the contents of artemisinin in leaves and flowers, respectively. Results Dry matter accumulation was the least and artemisinin accumulation was the most in A. annua before the middle of July; The dry matter accumulation was relatively large from the middle of August to the end of Septembe


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