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2014年第2期 / 西部人居环境学刊 / 053 燕园未名湖南岸石五供年代及来源初考 A Preliminary Textual Research on the Stone Five Sacrificial Utensils on the South Bank of Weiming Lake in Yanyuan 李洪胜 杜若飞 LI Hongsheng, DU Ruofei 摘 要 位于燕园未名湖南岸西段的一组 Abstract: With great elegance and exquisite workmanship, a site of Stone Five Sacrificial 石五供做工精细且纹饰精致,为未名湖景观 Utensils located on the south bank of Weiminglake consists of the Weiming landscape. This 的重要组分。既有研究对该组石五供的年 paper introduced the existing studies which failed to figure out the carving time, original 代、来源及墓主皆无确切考证,本文在综述 location and the tomb owner of the Stone Five Sacrificial Utensils, dated it by comparing it with 现有三种观点的基础上,首先按照石五供体 other ones, found a possible range of the tomb owner by referring to the construction history of 制及其与其它石五供的形制比较,对该组石 Yan Yuan and local tombs, inferred the official title of the tomb owner by analyzing the Ming 五供加以断代;进而追溯燕园历史和建设历 and Qing dynasties books and records, and finally consulted the most positive tomb owner. 程,并查找本地区墓葬,以断定石五供的来 Based on the analysis, this paper dismissed the possibility of theStone Five Sacrificial Utensils 源及墓主人的可能范围;最后通过分析明清 belonging to Hang Ai or the imperial mausoleum and the possibility of it built in the Republic 典制,确定墓主的官衔与级别,推测最有可 of China, conjectured that the most positive tomb owner was MiWanzhong in Ming dynasty 能的墓主。基于分析,在所有可能的假设中, whose tomb was in today’s Yan Yuan and the reason why the Stone Five Sacrificial Utensils 本文彻底否定了此石五供出自杭爱墓或帝后 were located on the south bank of Weiming Lake was obeying the Chinese element design 陵的可能,且判定建造时间不属于民国;并 concept of H.K.Murphy. 在此基础上得出几种推测,其中主推测为该 Keywords: Stone Five Sacrificial Utensils; Ming and Qing Dynasty Tomb; Yan Yuan;


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